Minutes - 19740204
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19740204
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~~~ <br />The County Administrator explained the background leading to this point <br />of the 201 Planning Area. He recommended the adoption of the presented <br />Resolution. <br />Un_on motion of Commissicner Richard E. Whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Melvin Whitfield, it was moved that the foregoing Resolution entitled "Resolution <br />Designating the City of Durham As Lead Agency for the Durham Countq-Orange <br />County 201 Planning Area, and Defining Duties for that Agency"'be unanimouslq <br />adopted. <br />Chairman Walker referred the Board to Item 5 on the Agenda: (Consideration <br />of contract with Rose, Pridgen and Freemon for 201 Planning Study in a portion <br />of Orange County.) <br />The County Administrator stated that no effective report can be secured from <br />the firm of Rose, Pridgen & Freemon until the 201 Planning Study is completed. The <br />proposed study will cast $8,000 with Federal and State funds amounting to $7,000 <br />and the County~s share being $1,000. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Flare Garrett, seconded bq Commissioner Melvin <br />Whitfield, it was moved that the Board approve the contract with Rose, Pridgen & <br />Freemon. Said contract was signed on Januarq 28, 197!}. The $1,000 will be taken <br />from the F~nergencq Contingeneq Fund. <br />Chairman Walker referred the Board'to Item 6 on the Agenda: (For consideration: <br />A Resolution Indicating Intent to Soin with Other Genera]. Purpose Unite of Local <br />Government in the Raleigh-Durham Standard Metropolitian Statistical Area To Develop <br />and Implement a Plan Resulting In a Coordinated Waste Treatment Management Sgstem <br />for the Area.) <br />RESOLUTION INDICATING INTENT TO SOIN WITH OTHER <br />GENERAL PURPOSE UNITS OF LOCAL GOVERtT~4ENT IN THE <br />RALEIGH-DURHAM STANDARD METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREA TO DEVELOP ANA <br />IMPLEMENT A PLAN RESULTING IN A COORDINATED WASTE <br />TREATMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR THE AREA <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 208 of the Federal Water Pollution <br />Control Act Amendments of 1972, P.L. 92-$00 (hereinafter called "the Act"), <br />the Administrator of the United Staten Environmental Protection Agency <br />has bq regulation published guidelines far the identification of those <br />areas which, as a result of urban-industrial concentrations or other <br />factors, have substantial water quality control problems (l~0 CFR Part 126); <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Raleigh-Durham Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, <br />as enlarged for Section 208 planning purposes satisfied the criteria <br />contained in the Act and g.uidelinea and designation of the area pursuant <br />tv Section 208 and those guidelines is desirable; and <br />WHEREAS, Section 126.10 of the guidelines requires, among other thine, <br />that the affected general purpose units of local government within the <br />problem area must show their intent, through formallq adopted resolutions, <br />to join together in the planning process to develop and implement a plan <br />which will result in a coordinated waste treatment management system for <br />the area; and <br />WHEREAS, Section 208 of the Act requires that the planning agency <br />have in operation a continuing areawide waste treatment management planning <br />process within one year of its designation bq the Governor; and <br />WH~tEAS, Section 208 of the Act reouires that the initial plan <br />resulting from the planning process be certified by the Governor and <br />submitted to the Administrator within two years of the commencement <br />of the planning process; and <br />WHEREAS, such planning process and waste treatment management system <br />is a necessarq and significant measure to control present point and <br />non-point sources of water pollution and to guide and regulate future <br />development and growth in the area which may affect water auslitq, in order <br />to prevent, abate and solve existing and potential substantial water <br />oualitq control problems; <br />NOW, THr.REF'ORE, IT IS RESOLVED THAT the County of Orange, recognizing <br />that the Raleigh-Durham area has substantial water Duality problems, <br />supports designation of the Area pursuant to Section 208 and the EPA guidelines. <br />IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the County of Orange intends to join with <br />other affected general purpose units of local government within the <br />boundaries of the area to develop a plan designed to produce a coordinated <br />waste treatment management system for the area and, when the plan has been <br />mutually adopted by the Countq of Orange and the North Carolina Board of <br />Water and Air Resources or its successor, to implement the plan. <br />
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