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DRAFT <br /> 01/29/2009 <br /> Action Plan and Fiscal Impact Statement <br /> FY 2009-10 BOCC Priorities <br /> 1. Priority Statement As Approved By BOCC <br /> Priority P-10. Develop an energy plan that includes economic development strategies to attract,retain,and grow"green"business. <br /> 2. Submitting <br /> Department ERCD,EDD 3. Collaborating Departments Planning and Inspections <br /> 4. Recommended Action Plan and Projected Fiscal Impact <br /> FY Annual Recommended Action Plan Impact on Department Service Delivery(i.e.what Department Impacted Annual Fiscal <br /> exchanges are being recommended) Impact <br /> This priority needs to be outlined,however,the following aspects could assist in the achievement of a comprehensive energy plan from the planning and building <br /> regulatory perspective. <br /> Existing Inspections staff would conduct green building Planning and <br /> Research and propose standards and processes for green building in both tasks along with existing work load. If economy continues Inspections,Public $3,000 <br /> public and private sectors. downturn,this would be a natural shift of employee time. Works,and <br /> Purchasing. <br /> Participate in educational opportunities related to green building and energy Some conferences may require out of town travel and work Planning and <br /> conservation through training of staff in Planning and Inspections loads would need to be adjusted to accommodate staff Inspections $4,000 <br /> Department. away from the office. <br /> Development of Sustainable Landscaping standards applicable to both Staff must coordinate their efforts with other County Planning and <br /> Public and Private sector. Departments and outside agencies. Inspection,ERCD, $2,000 <br /> Parks <br /> 2009-10 Amend Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations to encourage energy Staff must'coordinate their efforts with other County Planning and $1,500 <br /> and water conservation. Departments and outside agencies. Inspections <br /> Create an Orange Energy Master Plan that uses existing policies and studies If conducted in house,creating the plan would require <br /> significant exchanges and resources from EDC,ERCD, <br /> (such as the Greenhouse Gas Study)and new assessment to: 1)Maximize Consultant-ca <br /> Planning,Purchasing,Public Works and Solid Waste(and <br /> energy conservation and reduce consumption by a fixed amount;2)Reduce EDC,ERCD,Planning, $75,000;In- <br /> park demand for electricity by a target amount/year;3)Achieve a target Perhaps others). Such a plan would become a major work Purchasing,Public house- <br /> plan item for the fiscal year,perhaps commanding the <br /> percentage of energy from renewable sources by a target year;4)Develop equivalent of 0.5 staff persons per department for the year. Works,Solid Waste unknown,but <br /> energy infrastructure to support the plan,and 5)Invest in innovative clean If by consultant,the same departments would be impacted substantial <br /> energy technologies and businesses to stimulate the industry's growth. but to lesser time exchanges. <br /> Total Fiscal Impact-FY 2009-10 $10,500 <br /> Provide Energy Star and other green building standards training to the public Inspections staff would provide training to public through Planning and <br /> and county staff. classes sponsored by OC.These classes could be held Inspections $5,000 <br /> after hours or as work load and interest dictates. <br /> Planning and Inspections staff would develop a county Planning and <br /> Development of Orange County Green Building Ordinance applicable to both green building ordinance which would be proposed and Inspections,Public $6,000 <br /> 2010-11 Public and Private sector. submitted to the BOCC for adoption Works,and <br /> Purchasinn <br /> Im lement the Sustainable Landsca in Standards Develop educational materials and create public outreach Planning and <br /> p p g opportunities Inspections $12.000 <br /> Implement energy and water conservation standards. Develop educational materials and create public outreach Planning and $4,000 <br /> opportunities Inspections <br /> Total Fiscal Impact-FY 2010-11 $27,000 <br /> -- - I J I <br /> 15 <br />