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funding to the previously agreed upon percentage of 48.1%. <br /> b. Consider delaying funding for school #11 . The board will talk to the <br /> school board prior to making this decision. <br /> c. Consider the impact on reducing funds for Chapel Hill schools due <br /> to the increase in enrollments. <br /> d. Request the staff to monitor the cuts the state makes to its budget <br /> for schools for impact on county. <br /> 4. Additions to matrix. Board members directed Donna Coffey to add the <br /> following: <br /> a. percentages for county, state and federal funds <br /> b. percentage of grant funding <br /> c. identify programs/services the county funds which are discretionary <br /> and beyond the requirements for schools. Example: school nurses. <br /> d. Identify how often property is re-evaluated. The current valuation <br /> schedule is every 4 years (page 8) <br /> e. Identify unfunded mandates. <br /> f. Send a list of "shovel ready" projects that may be eligible for federal <br /> stimulus project. Also share list with Congressman Price. <br /> g. Funding for non-profits. Consider the role these entities play in <br /> providing a safety net for Orange County citizens in these <br /> economic times. <br /> h. Breakdown request for fair funding. <br /> i. Funding for mental health. Commissioners were reminded the <br /> board made decisions to "fill in the gap" with county funds when <br /> the state reduced its funding for mental health services. <br /> ATTACHMENT 1: GUIDING PRINCIPLES <br /> County Priorities for FY 2009-2010 <br /> Guiding Principles <br /> Create budget ethic/discipline for BOCC and staff that does not assume an <br /> annual increase in the tax rate <br /> 2 Focus on providing 'core' county services. <br /> 5 <br />