Orange County NC Website
2 <br />In addition to a Medical Director, the Hospital also provides a nurse liaison who's primary function is <br />to facilitate skill evaluations, special training sessions, technician review with staff training officer, and <br />assist in writing the required two year training program for state approval. The Hospital provides <br />computer support for the EMS database which includes patient medical records, and analytical <br />programs with interpretation of data. <br />Performing the duties of medical director requires Dr. Greg Mears to be replaced in his emergency <br />department clinical rotations from time to time. The funding for this agreement is to help off -set the <br />costs of the Hospital providing physician coverage for Dr. Greg Mears. <br />The contract is proposed for renewal in 1999 -2000 at the current rate of $30,000. Adequate funding to <br />cover the contract has been included in the 1999 -2000 recommended budget. <br />Financial Impact <br />The $30,000 cost of this contract is included in the departmental operating budget. <br />Recommendation <br />The Manager recommends that the Board approve the agreement and authorize the Chair to sign it. <br />S <br />