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~ri~t~ <br />The Chairman referred to Item is of the Agenda: (Consideration and action <br />of temporarily changing Hormel working hours because of the change to Day Light <br />Savings Time, This change, if implemented, should be effective until April 1, <br />1974.1 <br />The County Administrator advised the Board that he wanted them to consider <br />adjusting the working hours for all County employees. Discussion ensued, The <br />Board was of the opinion that they could not allow less working hours within <br />the working week and therefore, the working hours wsa left as they currently <br />stand. <br />The Chairman recognized Clayton Haithcook, Zoning Officer. Mr. Haithcook <br />presented the following plate: <br />1, Hideaway Eatatea, Section 2, Chapel Hill Township. Mr, Haithcook advised <br />the Board that the County Planning Board had approved this plat. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S, Walker, seconded by Commissioner Flora <br />Garrett, it was moved and adopted, that the plat of Hideaway Estates, Section 2 be <br />approved for recording. <br />2. Preliminary plat of Sleepy Hollow, Mr. Haithcook advised the Board that <br />the County Planning Board had denied approval of this plat, because the right oP <br />wag was. not shown to State secondary road, sewerage treatment was not approved by <br />State Health Department and it is the feeling of the local Health Department that <br />approval should be in writing because of closeness to Clear Water Laka, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E, Whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Henry S, Walker, it was moved that the Board accept the recommendation of the <br />County Planning Board on the preliminary plat of Sleepy Hollow. <br />3. Wolf's Pond, Section 5, Mr, Haithcook advised the Board that the County <br />Planning Soard had approved this plat, <br />Upon motS.on of Commissioner Flora Garrett, seconded by Commissioner Melvin <br />Whitfield, it was moved and adopted, that the Board accept the recommendation oP <br />the County Planning Board on the plat of Wolf's Pond, Section 5. <br />4. Robinawood, Saetion 2 Revised. Mr, Haithcook advised the Board that this <br />plat was inconsistent with the original recorded lot, in that, lot one in original <br />wsa designated as playground area and has not been so designated on the revised <br />plat and it has also been discovered that several Iota do not meat the minimum <br />requirements of the Zoning Ordinance on either plat. These late are designated as <br />late 6, 7, 21, 30, 38, 46, 49, 64, ~7 and 71 and there oosaibly could be others that <br />do not meet the reauirementa, therefore, based upon these facts the County Flapping <br />Board recommends that Saetion 2 of Robinawood not be approved, Discussion ensued. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E. Whitted, seconded by Commissioner Flora <br />Garrett, it was moved and adopted, that the Board accept the recommendation of the <br />County Planning Board. <br />The County Attorney brought to the attention of th® Soard that there did exist <br />on the public reaorda the first approved plat of Section 2 of Robinawood and that <br />the County could find itself in an awkward position relative to the undersized lots <br />if any of the lots were sold and title passed, He suggested that the Board should <br />take action in order that public notice could be given about the error that does <br />exist. Discussion ensued. <br />The Board asked the County Attorney to prepare a Resolution that would provide <br />for a declaration by the owners of Robiriswood that would reflect the situation <br />that does exist. <br />5. Minor Subdivision of Grady Riley, Revised Plat Lot ~#6. Mr. Haithcook <br />advised the Board that the County Planning Board had approved the plat. <br />'Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S, Walker, seconded by Commissioner Melvin <br />Whitfield, it was moved and adopted, that said plat be approved, <br />6, Minor Subdivision of RoJ.and Rogers, Mr. Haithcook advised the Soard that <br />the County Planning Board had approved this plat. Discussion ensued concerning <br />this plat. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S. Walker, seconded by Chairman Norman <br />Wal'sar, it wsa moved that said plat be approved. Chairman Walker called for a <br />vote on the motion, Commissioners Flora Garrett, Henry S, Walker, Norman Walser <br />and Melvin Whitfield voted aye. Commissioner Richard E, Whitted voted nay. <br />Chai_man Walker then declared the motion passed, <br />