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~~~ <br />RESOLUTION TO 2NDICATE THE BUILDING PERMIT SYSTEM <br />WHEREAS, the County of Orange has adopted and is enforcing <br />State Building and a Zoning Ordinance, and <br />WHEREAS, Section 1-8 of the North ¢arolina Building Code of the <br />aforesaid prohibits any person, firm or corporation from erecting, <br />constructing, enlarging, altering, reaairing, improving, moving or ' <br />demolishing any building or structure without Pirat obtaining a <br />separate building permit Por each building or structure from the <br />Building Inspector, and <br />WHEREAS, the Building Inspector must examine all plans and <br />specifications far the proposed construction when application is made <br />to him for a building permit. <br />NOW, TREREFORE, F3E IT RESOLVED by the Board oP Commissioners of <br />the County of Orange as Follows: <br />1. That the County Building Inspector shall review all building <br />permit applications for new construction or substantial imvrovements <br />to determine whether proposed building sites will be reasonably safe <br />from flooding. If a proposed building site is in a location that has <br />a flood hazard, any proposed new construction or substantial improve- <br />ment (including a prefabricated and mobile homes) must (i) be designed <br />(or modified) and anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral <br />movement of the structure, (ii) use construction materials and utility <br />equipment that are resistant to flood damage, and (iii) use construction <br />methods and practices that will minimize flood damage; and <br />2. That the Ccunty Building Inspector shall review subdivision <br />proposals and other proposed new developments to assure that (i) all <br />such proposals are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage, <br />(ii) all public utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical, <br />and water systems are located, elevated, and constructed to minimize <br />or eliminate Flood damage, and (iii) adequate drainage 3s provided ao <br />as to reduce exposure to flood hazards; and <br />3. That the County Building Inspector shall require new or <br />replacement water supply systems and/or sanitary sewage syatema to be <br />designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the <br />systems and discharges from the syatema into flood water a, and require <br />on-site waste disposal systems to be located so as to avoid impairment <br />of them or contamination from them during flooding, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E. Whined, seconded by Commissioner <br />Flora Garrett, the Board moved the adoption of a Resolution to Institute the <br />Building Permit System for the County. Diacuasion ensued. <br />Commissioner Richard E. Whitted amended his motion in order to delete paragraph <br />two and three of the proposed resolution. Further discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Richard E. Whitted then withdrew his motion relative to the <br />Resolution to institute the Building Permit System fox the County. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E. Whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Flora Garrett, the Beard moved to adopt a Resolution to enforce the North Carolina <br />State Building Code and the North Carolina State ELectrical Code with all references <br />to the Plumbing and Heating Code to be deleted from the North Carolina State <br />Building Coda. <br />Said Resolution appearing verbatum in Ordinance Book ~'1 beginning on page ~ <br />which said Resolution is hereby incorporated in the minutes by reference. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E. Whined, seconded by Commissioner <br />Flora Garrett, it was moved that Orange County adopt the following Resolutions: <br />RESOLUTION TO BE USED WHEN APPLYING FOR FLOOD INSURANCE <br />"WREREAS, certain areas of Orange County are subject to veriodia flooding <br />land/or mudslides) from (STREAMS, RIVERS, LAKES, OCEANS, ETC.}, causing <br />seriour damages to properties within these areas; and <br />WREREAS, relief is available in the form of Federally subsidized flood <br />insurance as authorized by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Board of Commissioners to require the _ <br />recognition and evaluation of flood and/or mudslide hazards in all official <br />actions relating to land use in the flood plain (and/or mudslide) areas having <br />special flood (and/or mudslide) hazards; and <br />