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~.~ E <br />lbOA-270. Public Auction. When it is proposed to sell real or <br />personal property by public auction, the counoil shall first adopt a <br />resolution authorizing the sale, describing the property to be sold, <br />specifying the date, time, place, and terms of sale, and stating that <br />any offer or bid must be accepted and confirmed by the council before <br />the sale will be effective. The resolution may, but need not, require <br />that the highest bidder at the sale make a bid deposit in an amount <br />specified in the resolution. The counoil shall then publish a notice <br />of the sale once 30 days before the sale. The notice shall contain a <br />_ general description of the land sufficient to identify it, the terms <br />of the sale, and a reference to the authorizing resolution. After bids <br />have been received, the highest bid shall be reported to the council, <br />end the council shall accept or reject it within 30 days thereafter. <br />i• If the bid is rejected, the aouncil may readvertise the property for <br />- sale. (1971,c.698,s.1.) <br />The Chairman referred the Board to Item 8 of the Agenda: (Dissuasion <br />and F;hactment of policy towards requests to withdraw rezoning application <br />after they have been advertised.) <br />Chairman Walker reoueated Mark Burnham to comment on the matter. Mr. <br />Burnham stated that he was of the ppinion that after the County had advertised <br />the duly called Public Hearing then the applicant should not be allowed to <br />withdraw the request or if a request for re-zoning was withdrawn then the <br />applicant could be charged a fee for the expenses that had been incurred by the <br />County. <br />The County Administrator suggested that the Board not permit any withdrawal <br />of re-zoning requests once the reoueat had been advertised. It was suggested <br />that a written reoueat must be filed by the appliaant one week prior to the <br />scheduled Public Hearing, and that a poster type notice should be placed on the <br />property. Further discussion ensued. The Board requested the County Administrator <br />and Mark Burnham to write a Policy statement as they felt a policy would allow <br />flexability and accomplish the purpose rather than placing the item into the <br />Zoning Ordinance. <br />The Chairman referred the Board to Item 2 of the Agenda: (Northern Orange <br />Medical Foundation represented by Mr. Raymond Montgomery: Presenting a petition <br />concerning acouisition of a parcel of property on Cameron Street from Orange <br />County.) <br />Chairman Walker recognized Raymond Montgomery, Mr. Montgomery made the <br />Following statements; <br />"Due to having been given the incorrect date of the meeting as <br />the 8th when 1 ask Mr. Gattia to be put on the docket I was unable <br />to oollect all the petitions to be presented today since I only <br />learned of this Monday meeting yesterday and had not planned to pink <br />up the petiticns until today, but wa feel we have gotten enough support <br />throughout the county to warrant continuing this petition. <br />Due to haveing been given the incorrect date 2 would like to now <br />that this be put on the docket for your next meeting at which time <br />this petition will be presented. <br />Since this petition was drawn up 2 have learned that a donation <br />would be eligible, however, we feel the $15,000 per acre which you are <br />asking is much to high. On behalf of the people of Orangge County I am <br />asking for a complete breakdown of this property giving in writing cost <br />of this property, a complete breakdown of each investment and how this <br />1.s acre portion of land was prorated from this expenditure. I am <br />&aking that the Orange Count' Commisaioriera have this information in <br />writing at the next meeting.' <br />Chairman Walker reoueated the County Attorney to. explain the amendments <br />that had been enacted by the 1973 General Assembly relative to the disposition <br />ofproperty by a County. Mr. Cheshire cited the Statutes and its meaning. <br />Chairman Walker explained how the purchase price of the reoueated <br />property had bean determined. He advised Mr. Montgomery that he spoke for the <br />entire Board and that the quoted price of $22,SD0 was the decision that had been <br />made. It was agreed that Mr. Montgomery would be placed on the Agenda for the <br />January 15th meeting. <br />The Hoard re-referred to Item 6 of the Agenda. A discussion ensued conoerning <br />the type aT building code that was needed by the County and the duties of a <br />building inspector were reviewed. The following resolution was reviewed: <br />