Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />The County Zoning Officer stated that there were two re-zoning requests and <br />• that each of these requests had been denied by the County Planning Board. They <br />were: <br />1. Request of Hubert F, Browning to rezone tract iri Eno Township from <br />residential to rural commercial. Discussion ensued. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Flora Garrett, seconded by Commissioner Richard <br />E, Whitted, it was moved that the recommendation of the County Planning Svard be <br />approved. Chairman Walker called for a veto on the motion. Commissioners Flora <br />Garrett, Richard E, Whitted and Melvin Whitfield voted aye. Cpmmiasioner9 Henry <br />S, Walker and Norman Walker voted nay. Chairman Walker dealassd the motion passed. <br />2. Reaueat of Curtis Sane to rezone a tract in Eno Township from residential <br />to rural commercial. Discussion ensued, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E, Whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Flora Garrett, it was moved, that the Board accept the recommendation of the County <br />Planning Soard. Chairman Walker. called for a note on the motion. Commissioners <br />Flora Garrett, Henry S. Walker, Richard E, Whined and Melvin Whitfield voted aye. <br />Chairman Norman Walker voted nay, Chairman Walker then declared the motion passed, <br />The County Attorney presented the following Resolution relative to the <br />recorded plat of Robinswood Section 2: <br />"WHEREAS Trent Development Corporation subdivided Robinswood, Section II <br />and did record a plat thereof in Plat Book 22 at Page 3; and <br />WHEREAS it has been discovered that said plat contains Iota which do <br />not meet the requirements of the Zoning and 3ubdivi,sion Ordinances of <br />Orange County; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Administrator request <br />Trent Development Corporation to execute a document which will reflect <br />the erroneous approval of said plat by both the County Planning Board and <br />the Board of County Commissioners, and that lots 6, 7, 21, 30, 38, l16, <br />49, 61+, 57 and 71 and possibly others, as shown on said plat do not <br />meet the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance, and <br />that zoning or building permits will not b® issued for late which do <br />not meet said requirementa~ the County Administrator shall also request <br />the owner to further authorize a notation to be placed on the aforesaid <br />plat which will refer to the book and page where said documentation is <br />recorded," <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Melvin Whitfield, seconded by Commissioner <br />Richard E. Whitted, it was moved that Drange County adapt the foregoing <br />Resolution. <br />The Chairman referred the Board to Ttem 16 of the Agenda: (Will the County <br />Elect To Impose A Pet Tax For the Fiscal Year 19711-1975? This is a continuation <br />of a diacuasion started at the December 18th meeting.) <br />The County Administrator advised the Board that they must decide whether <br />or not to levy a Pet Tax for the fiscal year 197!1-1975. Chairman Walker stated <br />that for the purpose of diacuasion he would recommend that the Board not levy a <br />Pet Tax, It was agreed that before any tax could be levied that the Board must <br />define what animals would be considered as pets. It was agreed that the Board <br />would adopt a Resolution that would define pets as dogs and that the Pet Tax would <br />be levied against doge. The County Attorney was instructed to draft a Resolution <br />on the matter and present same at the February llth meeting. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was <br />ad~vurned, <br />C, Norman Walker, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />