Minutes - 19740107
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19740107
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MINUTES OF THE ORANGE CCUNTY <br />BOARD OF CCMMISST_ONERS <br />January 7, 1974 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in regular session on Monday, <br />January 7, 197!}, at 10:00 o~cloak A,M, in the Commisaionera Roem of the Courthouse <br />in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members Present: Chairman C. Norman Walker and Comariasfonera Henry S. Walker, <br />Flare Garrett, Richard E. Whiffed and Melvin Whitfield. <br />Members Absent: None. <br />Chairman Walker stated that the Board would dispense with the reading of the <br />minutes at thin time. <br />The Chairman recognized Finley Parker, resident of sR 13b8. Mr. Parker stated <br />that this road was in terrible condition and that he felt the highway department <br />should make more effort to correct the conditions that do exist on said road. <br />Chairman Walker advised Mr, Parker that the Board of Transportation was now in <br />the process of reviewing and establishing a priority rating for all the roads in, <br />the county, The Clerk was instructed to write to Sam Jones, District Engineer, <br />relative to SR 1368, <br />The Chairman referred to Item ~ of the Agenda: (Report By ~ginaers of the <br />State Insurance Department on Building Inspection Programs and Procedures.) <br />Kern Church, Engineer for the State Insurance Department, made an explanation <br />of the reasons and the requirements of the statewide,J'.ectrical and Building Codes <br />and he filed with the Board copies of the General Statutes pertaining to enforcement <br />of the Codes, Mr, Church reviewed the methods and procedures that could be <br />utilized in the establishment of a Building Inspectors program. Discussion ensued. <br />Volun eerCFire Comp anyrtodcreatesa SpecialeFirenDistriatginsthefOrangeeGrovee <br />~ White Cross area under the provision of Chanter )a.39 of the Session Lawa of 1973). <br />This Chapter fe known as the Service District Aot. The County Administrator <br />advised the Board that a group of citizens for the Crange Grave area had requested <br />that a volunteer fire company be oreated under the Service District Act. Mr. <br />Gattis advised the Board if the fire district wsa established under this legislation <br />then the County would be required to advertise in the local papers and that a letter <br />of notification must b® forwarded to all property owners in the proposed fire <br />district area, however, the Board could act under another Statute that would allow <br />a vote of the residents in the proposed fire district area. A vote of the reaidenta <br />would require a special registration of citizens within the proposed fire district. <br />F..e stated further that if the Board did not feel inclined to allow the district to <br />be established by the Service District Aet then the Board should allow the citizens <br />who are supporting the fire district an opportunity to discuss the matter with the <br />Board and that a speaial election would require the submission of a petition signed <br />by at least fifteen (15~) percent oP the residents of the proposed area. Disaussion <br />ensued. <br />IInon motion of Commissioner Flora Garrett, seconded by Commissioner Norman <br />Walker, it was moved and unanimously adopted, that the County Administrator advise <br />the Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Company that the Board would be willing to hold a <br />special referendum on the question of establishing the Crange Grove Fire District. <br />Chairman Walker referred the Hoard to Item 9 of the Agenda: (Appointments: <br />One member on the Chapel Rill Board of Adjustments.) <br />appointeeiswhonwasFRobertaMellott,shad arovedafromatheeCountyiand that the Count <br />needed to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Mellott on the Chapel Rill Board of <br />Adjustments. The Board inquired oP Mr. Gattis if a formal notice of Mr, Mellott~a <br />resignation had bean received. He atatad that no official notice had been received. <br />It was agreed that no member should be appointed until the vacancy was declared. <br />Chairman Walker referred the $oard to Item 10 of the Agenda: (Discussion of <br />the proposed statewide land use plan and the amendments to this plan suggested by <br />Triangle J Council of Governments.) <br />Commissioner Flora Garrett, who represents Orange County on the Triangle J <br />Council of Governments, stated that the Triangle T Council of Government was <br />requesting each local Board to endorse several proposed amendments to the Land <br />Poliay Act as the Council felt that there was not enough input by local government <br />officials. Commissioner Flora Garrett filed the following proposals: <br />
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