Orange County NC Website
<br />Assistant to the Manager <br />Working List of Anticipated Responsibilities <br />Junel999 <br />• Coordinates the initial collection of agenda abstracts and materials for each BOCC agenda <br />• Attends (most) regular Commissioner meetings and coordinates/tracks County staff follow- <br />up to Commissioner information requests and policy directives <br />• Assists in coordinating annual development of BOCC goals and periodic updates thereof <br />• Prepares bi-weekly/periodic Manager's Memos to BOCC <br />• Performs research and analysis for Manager and Assistant Managers in preparation for <br />meetings or in conjunction with ongoing projects <br />• Chairs or participates in interdepartmental work teams assigned to special projects or other <br />responsibilities <br />• Serves as principal liaison between Manager's Office, Commissioners' Office, and other <br />departments involved with posting information on County's Website <br />• Oversees development and administration of Manager's Office budget <br />• Performs budget or management analysis as adjunct to Budget Office on an "as needed" basis <br />• Assists Manager and Assistant Managers asliaison/coordinator with designated citizen <br />advisory boards/commissions, or on an "as needed basis" <br />• Assists internal service departments and others involved with "innovation & efficiency" . <br />initiatives <br />• Monitors County legislative initiatives and General Assembly legislative matters of interest <br />to Orange County <br />