Orange County NC Website
SCOPE OF WORK <br />ORANGE COUNTY, NC <br />CONSTRUCTABILITY REVIEWNALUE REVIEW <br />A Constructability Review (CR)Nalue Review (VR) will be conducted by Pacific Environmental Services (PES) on <br />the final design and shall consist of one team study by a multi - disciplined team of professionals meeting on consecutive work <br />days. The team (hereinafter referred to as the CRT) will conduct a Constructability review, concentrating on the <br />appropriateness of the design documents, based on the proposed materials, project location, and current standard construction <br />practices, as well as an abbreviated value review where alternatives will be presented for consideration by the design team that <br />enhance overall value on a life cycle basis (LCC). <br />The CRT will provide specific recommendations for changes to contract documents to improve constructability, <br />reduce cost without deteriorating quality or function and meet or exceed special scheduling requirements. The CRT shall <br />accomplish the following. <br />When observed, the team will: <br />a. identify conflicts and ambiguities between drawings, plans, and specifications; <br />b. identify redundant or excessive technical or administrative requirements; <br />c. identify specifications or details that require further clarification; <br />d. suggest substitution of simplified construction details, more common construction materials or products; <br />e. propose value suggestions substituting equipment, materials, or design modifications for consideration by the <br />design team; and <br />f. identify special concerns and potential problem areas. <br />The services shall be performed by an independent team of professionals, separate and completely independent from <br />the original design team. The CRT shall be composed of persons having professional engineering/architectural registration, <br />and all shall have a minimum of 5 years post registration experience in design, construction administration, or estimating. The <br />typical team makeup will include: <br />a. Team Leader /CVS- Professional Engineer <br />b. Architect <br />c. Structural Engineer <br />d. Mechanical Engineer <br />e. Electrical Engineer <br />f. Construction Estimator <br />g. Construction Administrator /Contractor <br />h. Participation of Construction Manager supplied by the County of Orange <br />Once a final schedule is established, a list of team members and their respective resumes <br />representing the various disciplines to be covered shall be submitted for approval. <br />Prior to commencing a study, Orange County will forward the following information to the team: <br />a. One set of half -size drawings for each team member, and two full -size sets for the team; <br />b. One set of specifications for each team member; <br />