<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S. Walker, seconded by Commissioner
<br />Flora Garrett, it was moved, .that the County not appeal the ruling of Judge
<br />Winters on the suit that the Cou-qty had filed against University Construction
<br />Company.
<br />Chairman Walker called far a vote on the motion. Commissioners F7.ora
<br />Garrett, Henry S. Walker, Norman Walker and Melvin Whitfield voted aye.
<br />Commissioner Richard E. Whitted voted nay.
<br />Chairman Walker recognized C. D, "Buck" Knight, Sheriff, and the County
<br />Attorney. Sheriff Knight stated that he had been able to settle a damage suit
<br />that had been filed against him and that he was present to request the Board
<br />to pay the court costs and other expenses that had been incurred in the
<br />settlement of the suit. The County Attorney stated that a 1973 enactment
<br />permitted the County to defend a suit brought against the Sheriff. The County
<br />Attorney advised the Board of the actions of the Shsriff~a Department that had
<br />lead to and resulted in the suit being filed. He stated that he felt the
<br />Sheriff~a Department had acted in the best possible manner tisaed on the evidence
<br />given them, however, there had been a mistake made and the parties involved were
<br />willing to settle the suit for $850.00 and that other costs would possibly not
<br />exceed $100.00. Discussion ensued.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E. Whitted, seconded by Commissioner
<br />Henry S. Walker, it was moved and unanimously adopted, that the County follow
<br />the recommendatien of the County Attorney relative to the payment of the civil
<br />judgment entitled Basa vs. the Sheriff and that any time the County had the
<br />right and the responsibility to defend the Sheriff's Aepartment in legitation.
<br />Sheriff Knight thanked the Board for their support and consideration. He
<br />informed the Board that: new legislation required priaioners to reoeive a
<br />physical examination when they are kept in fail for over s twenty-four hour
<br />period. He requested the Board to discuss the matter with Dr. Garvin, the
<br />7listriet Health Officer. The. County Administrator informed the Board that he
<br />had already talked to Dr. Garvin concerning the new ruling and that Th'. Garvin
<br />had advised him that he does ndt have the personnel to take care of the situation.
<br />Sheriff Knight stated that the new legislation was causing aonaiderable hardships,
<br />in that, two deputies must now accompany a prisionsr to North Carolina Memorial
<br />Hospital and that this took aonaiderable time and man hours.
<br />Chairman Walker recognized Mr a. Betsy Farrington, a resident of SR 1945. Mr a.
<br />Farrington stated that SR 191}5 had been scheduled for paving and that a property
<br />owner would not consent to the needed right of way. S~ie asked the Board to
<br />contact the Board of Transportation and request that they re-evaluate this road
<br />and to also request that they consider following the current road bed as the
<br />other needed right of wag could then be secured. The Clerk wea requested to
<br />contact Sam Jpnes, District Engineer, and to relay Mrs. Farrington~s request to him.
<br />Ebert Pierce, County Extension Chairman, presented the Board with a copy
<br />of Chapter 106 of the General Statutes of North Carolina Article 34, Part 9
<br />dealing with Animal Disease and Control of Livestock Diseases. He called
<br />attention to the portion of the law that stated "The governing body of each
<br />municipality shall designate some appropriate person whose duty it shall be to
<br />provide for the removal and disposal, according to the provisions of this
<br />section, of any dead domesticated animals located within the limits of the
<br />municipality when the owner or owners of said animals cannot be determined. The
<br />Board of Commissioners of each county shall designate some appropriate person
<br />whose duty it shall be to provide for the removal and disposal, according to the
<br />provisions of this section, of ang dead domesticated animals located within the
<br />limits of the county, but without the limits of any municipality, when the owner
<br />or owners of said animals cannot be determined. All costa incurred by a
<br />municipality or county in the removal of a dead domesticated animal shall be
<br />recoverable from the owner of such animal upon admission of ownership or
<br />conviction."
<br />Chairman Walker informed the Board that he had received a letter from Mr.
<br />Pierce and that said letter was requesting the Board to appoint five persona as
<br />members of the Orange County Extension Advisory Board for a three year period
<br />ending July 1, ].976.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S. Walker, aeaonded bg Commissioner
<br />Richard E, Whitted, it was moved and unanimously adopted, that the following
<br />persons be appointed as members of the Crange County Extension Advisory Board
<br />for a three year period ending July 1, 1976: Mrs. Walter Cooper, Route 1,
<br />Hillsborough, N. C., Mrs. Warren Holmes, Route 1, Efland, RT. C., Russell Ha11,
<br />Route 2, Rougemant, N, C., Henry Armstrong, Stanford Junior high School,
<br />Hillsborough, N, C., and Mrs. Tames Bradshaw, Route 1, Efland, N. C.
<br />Chairman Walker referred the Board to item 6 of the agenda. The County
<br />Administrator advised the Board that the Sanco Company was the lowest bidder
<br />on the equipment for the green box program, however, there would have to be
<br />some modification in the bid prise submitted.
<br />