Agenda - 03-17-2009 - 5d
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 03-17-2009
Agenda - 03-17-2009 - 5d
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Last modified
3/16/2009 1:18:16 PM
Creation date
3/16/2009 1:18:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090317
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Attachment 10 25 <br />Excerpt of January 14 Planning Board Minutes <br />Jay Bryan: My motion was a statement of consistency, Robert, regarding tract number one. I am not <br />making a motion that there's a statement of consistency regarding tract number two. <br />Tommy McNeill: I'm afraid that if we look at them individually that there's a high probability that tract two wilt <br />not pass. <br />Robert Davis: Just to give you clarification, when I prepared the legal description, I made tract one and tract <br />two to stand independent. You can approve one, you can approve both, you can approve neither. They <br />can be separated on the recommendation based on the legal description that's in your packet. <br />Tommy McNeill: Staff is suggesting both? <br />Robert Davis: We're recommending that they both be rezoned to implement what is on the comprehensive <br />plan. That's our recommendation. <br />Brian Crawford: I understand your concerns, Tommy, there's a motion that has been seconded. We're <br />bound to vote on it. You can come back and make a motion for the second tract. <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: I just have a question as to why you decided to separate them. <br />Jay Bryan: I don't support a rezoning of tract number two. Forme, rather than voting against the whole <br />thing, because I do want to honor the issue, frankly I don't like to do rezoning that specifically address <br />individual properties in the manner that we're doing for tract one but in the spirit of trying to help those <br />people, I'm supporting that. Even though in principle I wouldn't support doing either. But to address their <br />concerns, I'm certainly going to vote to support tract number one. <br />MOTION by Jay Bryan to approve a statement of consistency regarding tract one and a resolution to <br />approve ordinance for zoning amendment for rezoning tract one. Seconded by Larry Wright. <br />VOTE: Unanimous <br />MOTION by Samantha Cabe to accept the staffs recommendation with regard to tract two. Seconded by <br />Tommy McNeil <br />Samantha Cabe: I can tell you the basis of why I support doing the amendment. I'm always opposed to <br />making property unusable by the person who owns it and basically in its current zoning state it's unusable. <br />From the planning staff, I think they've thoroughly explained that the post development runoff will not be <br />allowed to exceed what it is currently and in its current undeveloped state, it's a very low amount of runoff. <br />So whoever does decide to develop this property is going to have a very high bar with regard to controlling <br />its runoff. The net effect on those properties behind should not be any more. The third reason is I've had a <br />recent entanglement with the flood plain ordinance and it is very expensive and difficult to do anything in or <br />near a floodway. So the fact that there are these floodplains and the stream buffers that apply, are going to <br />not only increase the costs and require whoever does develop this to really thread the eye of the needle <br />with regard. to what they do near streams and floodways. They're going to have a high bar to get through <br />our planning department with regard to that as well. I feel like our current planning department in the <br />language of the new linear office designation has the protections that will not increase the runoff with regard <br />to the property behind. I feel like our County errs on the side of caution in protecting things like that and I <br />feel certain that our planning department and our current ordinances do that. <br />Tommy McNeill: I'd like to make a comment in addition, staff spends an enormous of time doing research <br />on issues such as this and knowing that this is a flood plain, staff still supports the fact that it should be <br />rezoned. Therefore, I'll support and endorse their recommendation based on their experience. <br />
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