Orange County NC Website
15 <br />size of the lots. Currently, tract 1 has four lots which fronton Old <br />NC 86. The EDD guidelines would limit access to 4 driveways or <br />one drive per lot. Sharing of drives would be encouraged. <br />Because structures in the ED-LNR are limited to 5, 000 square <br />feet, and the uses are somewhat restricted, staff anticipates low <br />volumes of traffic to and from these four lots. If the lots were to <br />be subdivided to create additional lots and structures, the <br />subdivision regulations would restrict driveway access at the <br />subdivision stage. Another reason the frontage road is not <br />required in the ED-LNR is that the lots are not deep and <br />impervious surface is limited to 50% total for. access, parking and <br />the structure. The additional impervious surface in an access <br />road would severely impact the usability of the lot. For example, <br />a 20 feet width street 100 feet in length would use 2, 000 square <br />feet, leaving only 3,000 square feet for both parking and the <br />building. <br />