Agenda - 03-17-2009 - 5d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-17-2009
Agenda - 03-17-2009 - 5d
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Last modified
3/16/2009 1:18:16 PM
Creation date
3/16/2009 1:18:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
Minutes - 20090317
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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Attachment 6 13 <br />Parcel 9873-05-1814, Parcel 9873-05-0697, and Parcel 9873-05-3116 to the <br />southeast corner of Parcel 9873-05-3116; thence west approximately 200 feet <br />along the southern property line of Parce19873-05-3116 to the common <br />corner of Parcel 9873-05-3116, Parcel 9873-04-5166 and Parcel 9873-04- <br />4531;thence, northwest approximately 50 feet to the common corner of <br />Parcel 9873-04-5166, Parcel 9873-05-3116 and Parcel 9873-04-1738; thence <br />north approximately 1180 feet along the western property line of Parcel 9873- <br />05-3116 and Parcel 9873-05-0697 to the northeastern property corner of <br />Parcel 9863-95-6694; thence west approximately 180 feet along the northern <br />property line of Parcel 9863-95-6694 to the western property corner of Parcel <br />9863-95-6694 said corner falling in the eastern right-of--way line of Bonaparte <br />Drive; thence, north approximately 120 feet along the western right-of--way <br />line of Bonaparte Drive to the southwest corner of Parcel 9863-95-6863; <br />thence, east approximately 160 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel 9863- <br />95-6863, said corner falling in the property line of Parcel 9873-05-0697; <br />thence, north approximately 410 feet along the western property lines of <br />Parcel 9873-05-0697 and Parcel 9863-95-8966 to the northwest corner of <br />Parcel 9863-95-8966 said corner falling in the eastern property line of Parcel <br />9863-96-5112 and also being the southwest corner of Parcel 9863-96-7169; <br />thence, east approximately 400 feet along the common property line of Parcel <br />9863-96-7169 and Parcel 9863-95-8966 to the point and place of <br />BEGINNING. (Said tract containing 12.68 acres more or less) <br />In accordance with the Ordinance, the Board hereby makes the following findings as to <br />the denial of the petition: <br />That pursuant to the Ordinance, the Board finds that the petition will not carry out <br />Article 20.3.2 (d) which states: `The changed or changing conditions, if any, in the <br />area or in the County generally, which makes the proposed Zoning Atlas and/or <br />Zoning Ordinance text amendment reasonably necessary to the promotion of the <br />public health, safety and general welfare'. <br />This Ordinance shall be DENIED. <br />This Ordinance shall be placed in the file of unpublished ordinances. <br />DENIED by the Orange County Board of Commissioners this day of <br />2009. <br />Ayes: <br />Noes: <br />Donna Baker, Clerk to Board Date <br />SEAL <br />
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