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11 <br />Attachment 5 <br />corner falling in the eastern right-of--way line of Bonaparte Drive; thence, north <br />approximately 120 feet along the western right-of-way line of Bonaparte Drive to the <br />southwest corner of Parcel 9863-95-6863; thence, east approximately 160 feet to the <br />southeast corner of Parcel 9863-95-6863, said corner falling in the property line of <br />Parcel 9873-05-0697; thence, north approximately 410 feet along the western <br />property lines of Parcel 9873-05-0697 and Parcel 9863-95-8966 to the northwest <br />corner of Parcel 9863-95-8966 said corner falling in the eastern property line of <br />Parcel 9863-96-5112 and also being the southwest corner of Parcel 9863-96-7169; <br />thence, east approximately 400 feet along the common property line of Parcel 9863- <br />96-7169 and Parcel 9863-95-8966 to the point and place of BEGINNING. (Said tract <br />containing 12.68 acres more or less). <br />In cases where lots, in both tract one and tract two, abut a public street(s) the zoning district <br />boundary line shall extend to the centerline of the said street. <br />In accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, the Board hereby makes the following <br />findings as to the appropriateness of the petition: <br />1. That the petition has been processed to conform to the submittal requirements <br />detailed within Article 20 of the Zoning Ordinance generally, and more <br />specifically Section 20.3.2 d) which states, `The changed or changing conditions, <br />if any, in the area or in the County generally, which makes the proposed Zoning <br />Atlas and/or Zoning Ordinance text amendment reasonably necessary to the <br />promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare'; <br />2. That pursuant to Section 20.3.2 e) of the Ordinance, the Board finds that the <br />petition is consistent with, and will carry out, the intent and purpose of the <br />adopted Comprehensive Plan or part thereof including, but not limited to, the <br />following: <br />a. The purpose, intent, and goals of the Growth Management System <br />adopted by the BOCC in 2003. <br />b. The purpose, intent, and goals of the Hillsborough Area Economic <br />Development District as amended by the BOCC in 2001. <br />This Ordinance shall become effective upon approval. <br />This Ordinance shall be placed in the file of unpublished ordinances. <br />Adopted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners this day of , <br />2009. <br />Ayes: <br />Noes: <br />Donna Baker, Clerk to Board <br />Date <br />SEAL <br />