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be utilized in su ortin rofessional office or similar servi <br /> development. <br /> b. Buffers alon road ri hts-of-wa or alon identified hi wa corridor <br /> shall be in accordance with reviousl established standards as detaile <br /> herein. <br /> c. There shall be a minimum twent 20 foot ve etative buffer alon a <br /> common side and/or rear ro lines se arati non-residential an <br /> residential land uses. <br /> d. There shall be a minimum ten 10 foot landsca ed stri alon all aid <br /> and/or rear roe lines gratin non-residential uses from oth <br /> similar non-residential uses <br /> e. The r uired lantin s shall be in accordance with those re uire <br /> within this Section of the Ordinance. <br /> £ The landsca ed stri shall be com rised of ve etation that forms <br /> semi-o ue intermittent visual obstruction with a minimum initi <br /> Tannin hei t from the ound of at least thi -six 36 inches th <br /> will achieve a height of at least fifteen (15) feet at maturity. <br /> In cases where a 'oint use a Bement s exists between ad'ace <br /> ro ert owners allowin for shared in ss/e ress and/or arkin th <br /> Zonin Officer shall be authorized to t a waiver re ardin the ex <br /> location(s) of the required buffers to avoid conflict. <br />4. Buffers may consist of existing wooded areas. If existing vegetation is not <br /> sufficient for screening, a planted buffer shall be augmented and interspersed, <br /> consisting of 50-75% evergreen trees reaching a minimum mature height of 30- <br /> feet. <br />5. Trees with a caliper of 6" -12" should be considered for preservation. <br />6. Access drives, utilities, and pedestrian paths are permitted within the required <br /> buffers. <br />~: <br /> Landscape buffer widths may be reduced if the buffer material is adequate t~ <br />~~ <br />- provide additional screening <br /> <br />