Agenda - 03-17-2009 - 5c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-17-2009
Agenda - 03-17-2009 - 5c
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Last modified
3/16/2009 1:14:57 PM
Creation date
3/16/2009 1:14:55 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090317
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Approved 2/4/09 13 <br />1. Fifty (50) foot buffer when adjacent to a residential land use, <br />2. Anywhere from a fifty (50) foot to a one hundred (100) foot front buffer separating the structure housing the <br />office from Old NC 86 <br />Planning Staff believes there is an opportunity to modify existing landscaping standards in order to allow for the <br />adaptive reuse of existing single-family residential structures in an effort to preserve and enhance the character of <br />the area while allowing for non-residential development within the Old NC Highway 86 corridor. <br />PUBLIC HEARING: During the hearing, staff proposed modifying existing buffer regulations to require a less <br />restrictive buffer for non-residential developments proposing to convert existing single-family residential structures <br />into office space. Staff testified these amendments were based on similar efforts initiated by the County to <br />encourage the adaptive reuse of residential structures along Highway 70 with the adoption of the Efland Cheeks <br />Overlay District (ECOD) in December of 2007. <br />STAFF PROPOSED THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS: <br />1. Limiting the conversion of existing single-family residential structures to be used as professional offices, <br />2. Reducing the buffer to twenty (20) feet along common property lines in such cases where adaptive reuse is <br />proposed, and <br />3. , Establishing a minimum planting height ofthirty-six (36) inches. <br />Staff indicated these buffer amendments would only apply in situations where an applicant proposed the use of an <br />existing single-family residential structure. In cases where the existing structure were deconstructed and removed <br />from the property, the existing buffer standards would apply. <br />Further, staff testified this amendment was solely intended to address an immediate need, as defined by staff, in <br />promoting the preservation and reuse of existing residential structures within the Hillsborough EDD. <br />ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: During the hearing, there were several local property owners who spoke in favor of the <br />proposed amendments. Several BOCC members also commented favorably on the proposal while identifying the <br />following concerns: <br />1. Concern was expressed over allowing for multiple driveway cuts onto Old NC 86 and suggested that a <br />comprehensive access management plan be developed to control turn movements, <br />Staff Comment Staff understands and shares this concern. Unfortunately, there is no ability under this <br />proposal to address this issue. <br />It should be noted that if the BOCC approves the rezoning of these properties to Economic Development <br />Linear Office District (ED-LNR), there is a requirement under Section 6.29.3a (2) (d) (7) that there be <br />interconnectivity between parking areas if determined necessary by staff. <br />In reviewing this matter with the Planning Director, staff has been informed that we might be able to adopt, <br />as part of this amendment, a text picture for placement within the Hillsborough EDD manual that shows <br />restricted access and required connected service roads (behind the structures or running parallel with <br />existing roadways) accessing various properties. <br />2. Concern was expressed over the location of proposed parking facilities and wanted additional language <br />within the Ordinance mandating parking be located to the rear of these structures, <br />Staff Comment: Once again, staff understands and shares this concern. Unfortunately, there is no ability <br />under this proposal to address this issue. <br />In reviewing this matter with the Planning Director, staff has been informed that we might be able propose <br />language within the Hillsborough EDD manual that encourages rear parking within the Economic <br />Development Linear Officer district. This language would be similar to existing standards contained within <br />the master manual document. <br />2 <br />
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