Orange County NC Website
(41)._. . . . ,i , . <br /> Artopt, Sfra-tatc nut tf cif; <br /> axall Strctic go all <br /> VISION Strategic Initiative: FOCUSING ON LEARNING <br /> We envision ourselves as a "learning college." As such, AND STUDENT SUCCESS <br /> we will continue to be a model for student success and <br /> excellence in teaching, empowering learners to enrich DTCC recognizes that the transformational power of <br /> the local and global communities and preparing students learning, focused on our students' successes, is at the <br /> to contribute to the economic vitality of the region. center of all college activities. <br /> GUIDING PRINCIPLES: DEMONSTRATING Strategic Goals: <br /> EFFICIENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY • Ensuring that the college's graduates acquire the <br /> knowledge and master the skills necessary for <br /> • We will create a culture where all institutional future academic, technical, and career success <br /> actions are focused on improving student learning (We define learning as the intentional process of <br /> and success and leading to student goal comple- acquiring knowledge or skills. The process requires the <br /> tion. (We put learning at the center of all we do by engagement of the learner and leads to a demonstra- <br /> establishing measurable learning outcomes for all our ble change in the way the learner relates to his or her <br /> programs and services. We should answer each environment. An essential characteristic of a "learning <br /> question and reach each decision based upon how our college" is the notion that learning is at the center of <br /> actions might improve learning, and we should encour- all college programs, services, and activities.) <br /> age and support students in finishing what they start.) <br /> • Providing college activities that encourage <br /> • We are committed to a philosophy of continuous effective communication, critical thinking and <br /> improvement by researching best practices and problem-solving, ethical decision-making, an ap- <br /> establishing benchmarks for performance. (As preciation of diversity, academic and workplace <br /> good as we are at what we do, we know we can readiness, and civic participation and leadership <br /> always be better. We believe that learning is a journey (General Education Learning Outcomes constitute the <br /> that has no end, both for the individual and for the common experience of all students enrolled in degree <br /> institution.) programs. Regardless of their major area of study, we <br /> want all of our graduates to demonstrate effectiveness <br /> • We will engage in integrated and ongoing in these areas.) <br /> planning. (Excellence is not achieved by accident but <br /> through deliberate and sustained effort. As stewards of • Developing new programs that prepare students <br /> public funds, we must be thoughtful in our decisions to for success in critical high-demand careers and <br /> allocate and use resources.) ensuring that existing programs remain relevant <br /> and sustainable (Our legacy as a leader in postsec- <br /> • We will provide opportunities for continuous ondary technical education demands that we continue <br /> improvement of faculty and staff through to prepare students for success in the 2 1st century <br /> vigorous professional development. (Our faculty economy, with particular emphasis on allied health, <br /> and staff are our most valuable and visible resource. public service, science, engineering, and sustainable <br /> As a learning college, we must support and celebrate technologies. This requires us to constantly evaluate the <br /> our employees'development and successes as much local and global workplace so we can offer relevant <br /> as those of our students.) programs that prepare our graduates for meaningful <br /> careers.) <br />