Orange County NC Website
Orange County Board of Education <br />August 11, 1999 <br />Page Two <br />(now SR 1737), County Road #S51 is Turkey Farm Road (now SR 1730), and County Road <br />#550 is NC 86. <br />Therefore, the beginning point for the northern boundary line of the Chapel Hill school <br />district is the intersection of Erwin Road and the Durham County line. While this point was <br />not established with a monument in 1951, there is a considerable amount of evidence that the <br />point of beginning was essentially the same in 1951 as it is today. Accordingly, we believe <br />the current Orange County GIS mapping correctly shows the beginning point intended in the <br />1951 Petition. <br />~d can our rer~h, dte ~rg~i t;~'l~arM ~4~ty! lie ~+as ~t surveyed and monumentedf <br />prUe ~,~.~=:~We d+~ k~~ fat the line was surveyed in 1968. `~~il~Off f <br />t"~rdlina General Statutes, and, al~ovgh all ~e requirements of Statues v+~er~ ncit rr-et <br />Cor~C~rifitig the adopti+~t~ and- r~t~rc~ of the surer; tl~e sur~y awe #m reflect the <br />get~erhlly' aeeeptaed loeatiort of tlta Cc~u~ty life: We have spoken with a number of the <br />individuals involved with this survey. Lucius Cheshire was the Orange County attorney at <br />this time. He remembered the survey being done but did not recall that it was the result of a <br />legal directive. Likewise, Sam Gattis was the Orange County manager at this time. He recalls <br />that the survey was agreed to voluntarily by the two counties with Orange County appointing <br />one surveyor (Jerry Strictland of Engineering Surveys, Inc.) and Durham County appointing <br />the other surveyor (Ed Credle of Credle Engineering Company). Both surveyors recalled that <br />the survey had been ordered voluntarily by the two Counties to reduce confusion concerning <br />the exact location of the line. A ~Y of'~is surrey i$ available ~n the. O~ra~ge +Cout~ty Land <br />~ naap~i~g o#l`i~> althQ~g~+~t~e surer was never recofc~ec~µ~~Or C~urtitys The <br />survey was recorded in Durham County on January 7, 1983 (Plat Book 102 at Pages 49-52). <br />In the course of all this research no evidence was discovered, verbal or written, to indicate <br />that the Orange/Durham County line near its intersection with Erwin Road either was in 1951 <br />or is currently in a location other than the one shown on the 1968 survey. <br />Additionally, it appears that the location of Erwin Road at the County line has not changed <br />materially, if at all, since 1951. Aerial photography from the Orange County ASCS office <br />that was prepared for the US Department of Agriculture dated in 1938, 1955, and 1972 shows <br />Erwin Road in the same location and configuration. This is the same location depicted by the <br />current Orange County GIS mapping. On the 1955 USDA map, the location of the County <br />line is shown intersecting Erwin Road at a small bend in the road. The current GIS map <br />shows Erwin Road and the County line intersecting at exactly the same point. We also <br />researched recorded road easements and requested that NCDOT review their easement records <br />relating to Erwin Road in this area. No recorded easements or other anecdotal evidence exists <br />to indicate that Erwin Road has moved since 1951 (or for that matter since 1938). <br />