Orange County NC Website
~}'~G~G~ ! n P_s1 I <br /> ORANGE COUNTY COMM <br />ISSIONERS <br />AL/C£M. CORDON, CHA/R <br />S7EPHENH. HALK/OT7S, l//CE CHA/R I <br />BOX 8 t 8 I <br />P <br />O <br />MARGARET W. BROWN . <br />. <br />MOSESCAREY, JR. 200 S. CAMERON STREET <br />BARRY/ACOes HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. 27278 <br />a <br />;~o <br />d <br />3 <br />July 2, 1999 <br />The Honorable Mike Nelson <br />Mayor, Town of Carrboro <br />301 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 829 <br />Carrboro, NC 27510 <br />Deaz Mike: <br />On Wednesday night, June 30, the Orange County Boazd of Commissioners completed its discussion of the <br />proposed solid waste management interlocal agreement. The Boazd adopted a modified version of the June 1, <br />1999 draft that had been prepazed by Bob Jessup. A clean copy of the agreement in the form approved by the <br />County Commissioners is provided as Attachment 1. A "blacklined" version that shows the changes in the <br />County-approved agreement as compazed to the June 1 draft, is provided as Attachment 2. <br />Although this letter highlights the changes to the agreement from the June 1 draft, the decision of the Boazd of <br />Commissioners is in concert with the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill on most of the changes proposed <br />from the May 10, 1999 draft of the agreement. It is also in accord with the Town of Chapel Hill's desire to add <br />language that refers to the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan. <br />I believe the list below and the attached version of the interlocal agreement capture the most significant changes <br />from the June 1 draft agreement, as approved by the Boazd of Commissioners. In the interests of timely, formal <br />communication to you concerning the Commissioners' action, I am transmitting this letter and its attachments <br />while the Manager, Attorney, and staff aze still in the process of finalizing the documents to reflect the <br />Commissioners' decisions. Therefore, I will forwazd to you an errata sheet next week should we ascertain that <br />further changes were required to the documents. <br />The solid waste management interlocal agreement as approved by the Orange County Boazd of Commissioners: <br />• Affirms the commitment of the parties to solid waste reduction goals. <br />^ Renames the Solid Waste Advisory Boazd (rather than Commission), and provides that this Boazd will <br />operate consistent with the procedures generally observed by other advisory boazds and commissions, as <br />approved by the County Commissioners. <br />^ Effective date of County assumption of responsibility coincides with the effective date at which the portion <br />of the Greene Tract set aside for solid waste purposes (other than MSW or C&D burial) is zoned to permit <br />those solid waste activities. <br />^ Creation and imposition of "governmental fees" by the County requires agreement of one other party (rather <br />than two). <br />You Count !n Orange County <br />AREA CODE (919) 732-8181: 968-4501: 688-7331: 227-2031: FAX (919) 644-0246 <br />Ext. 2130 <br />