Agenda - 08-17-1999 - 8r
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-17-1999
Agenda - 08-17-1999 - 8r
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/13/2009 2:42:31 PM
Creation date
3/13/2009 2:42:29 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
1999 S Lease Approval with Alliance for Historic Hillsborough for Dickson House
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1999
Minutes - 19990817
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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SAVING AND EXCEPTING crop the shove-described property the Western portion ~1~ereoE 9 <br />formerly conveyed by CHARi.FG H. BL.Ai~ and wife, HELEN L. BLAE~, to the UNITED STATES <br />POSTAL SERVICE, as recorded in Deed Book 251 at page 1595, Orange County Registry, <br />_ and described as follows: BEGINNING at a 4" x 4" concrete monument in the South property <br />Line of King Street, said point standing South 84° 03' East 497.64 feet Erom the Southeast <br />intersection of King and c2~urton Streets, said point being the Northeast corner of <br />Central Telephone Ca~any lot, running thence from said beginning point along and <br />with the South line of said King Street South 84° 03' East 197.36 feet to a 4" x 4" <br />concrete monument, anew corner with Charles H. Blake; thence along and with the west <br />Tine of said Blake South 5° 35' West 264 feet to a 4" x 4" concrete monument in the <br />North property line of Margaret Lane said point being the Southwest corner of said <br />Blake; thence along and with the North line of said Margaret Lane North 84' 00' West <br />190.60 feet to a concrete monument the Southeast corner of Zephaniah R. Poberts lot; <br />thence along and with the Fast line of said Roberts lot North 6' 22' East 61.81 feet <br />to a 4" x 4" concrete monument; thence along and with the Fast line of said Roberts <br />and said Telephone Ccinpany North 3' 24' East 202.31 feet to the point or place of <br />BDGINNING, containing 50,859.13 square feet according to survey and plat by Robert <br />A. Jones ~ Associates, Registered Surveyors, dated September 3, 1974. <br />BEING THE SAME PROPERTY conveyed to The Preservation ELrd of Hillsborough, Inc. <br />fran Helen L. Blake (widow) by deed recorded in Hook 388 at page 365 in the Orange <br />County Registry. <br />The ab~-described property is oonveyed subject to the agreements, easements, convenents <br />and restrictions set forth (1) in the aforesaid deed recorded in Book 388 at page <br />365 in the Orange Oamty Registry as amended by that certain Deed of Release and Agreement <br />recorded in Book 779 at page 228 in the Orange Canty Registry, and (2) in Exhibit <br />A attached to this Deed and made a part hereof, all as if the same were more particularly <br />herein set forth; which said agreements, easements, convenents and restrictions shall <br />run with the lard and be binding upon the grantee, it successors and assigns forever; <br />aid by its acceptance of this deed, the grantee, for itself, it successors and assigns, <br />hereby agrees to be bound by the same. <br />
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