<br />Mail attar recording to __ .
<br />This inatrumant was prepared byf"~~..6. VAN AL,L.EN. ({28j3V) p,Q, 9px 3843,.. Durham, NC 27702-3843
<br />Brief description fur the Inde!c
<br />THt3 DBBD made this day uI _..... 19 by and between
<br />CKAN'I'EE
<br />BA{K is appropriaY tlleea (K eaea parer: Ilame, address, sad, i( appropriate, eharoetK of enUt~, e.e. corpentloa or parloershlp
<br />"=' The desianatioa Crantor and Crantte as used herein shall include acid parties, their hciry, YUl'C1:Sau1'8, :uui ;~.ra~;u.,, ,,:,
<br />shall include sinsular, plural, masculine, feminine ur neuter as i•eyuired by cuutext.
<br />WITNESSL'fH. that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee. the receipt of which is hey et,:
<br />aeknowrled=ed, has and by these prnents does ¢rant, barYain, sell and convey unto the Crantue in Cee eimplc, :III U~.,c
<br />certain tut ur parcel of land situated in the Ciir~.i Town of Hillsborough Hillsborough r."~ ~~,~~~,
<br />~t• Cuwrty, North Carolina and more particularly doocribcd ao follu~.~y:
<br />BQiIDNII~'s at a concrete monument in the Northwest corner of the interaction of Cameron
<br />Street and Margaret Lana in the Tbwn of Hillsbo=ottgh (which beginning point is located
<br />South 18' 35' 21" West 302.52 feet from N.C. Geodetic Monument "Street"); thence fran
<br />said begiming point along the West right~f-way line of said Cameron Street North
<br />5' 37' S1" Ehat 264.00 feet to a ca~crete monument in the Southwest corner of the
<br />intersecr_ion of said Catnes'oct Street and King Street; thence slang the South right-of-way
<br />line of said ICiryg Street North 84' 00' West 327.36 feet to a ooncrete monument in
<br />said right~f-way line, the Noz'theast corner of the lot formerly owned by Gladys L.
<br />Coley (said point being marked "X" on the Plat hereinafter referred to); thence along
<br />the line of said coley lot South 3' 27' O1" west 202.31 feet to a concrete monument
<br />(said point being marked "Y" on said Plat); thence along the Fast line of lot awned
<br />by Z. R. Poberts South 6' 32' 30" Weat 61.81 feet to a concrete monument in the North
<br />right-ot-wny line of said tKnrgaret Lane, the Southeast corner of said Roberta' lot;
<br />thence along the North right-of-way line of Margaret Lane South 84' 00' East 320.60
<br />feet to the place or point of beginning and containing 1.956 acres, more or less,
<br />according to survey and plat of Davisrn Timber Management Service, Inc., dated December
<br />30, 1965, Arid January 4, 1966, entitled "PROPEFrTY OF QIARL,ES N. BLA[~", and which
<br />plat is duly recorded in Plat Book 15, Page 2, Orange County Registry.
<br />n c. e,r sou. terra Me. sw .~ un
<br />Tax Lot No. _. _ _ __ _ _ _ .. Parcel Identifier No.
<br />Verified by .._. __ _..... _._ . County on the day of ly
<br />by _...__........._ ..._ ..._
<br />