Orange County NC Website
Orange - Chatham County Implementation Grant <br />July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 <br />Grant Requirements <br />Requirements: <br />1. Submit a Budget Amendment Request to utilize funds in the <br />unallocated pending execution of a contract between the <br />Alternative Sentencing, Inc. Provide a signed contract t <br />[;941 which were <br />Orange- Chatham <br />As part of this request, included should be the subs ri`'e a9 treatment protocol that will <br />be provided to offenders by the counselor. The su "' an abuse treatment protocol should <br />include the number of hours per session, 1, e`' "" `Rcy of the sessions per week, the <br />number of weeks, the number of offenders ' the number of individual hours and the <br />total number of hours of the treatment <br />Also, specifically, funding for" em stance Abuse Counselors" will not be approved. <br />Please work with your Co ,: U`, y "` elopment Coordinator to develop a procedure for <br />using existing staff to cove "� 's 4` ` <br />2. Submit upda: an si "" d' memorandums of agreement with the Literacy Council, <br />Vocational eha ilit n d the Employment Security Commission with beginning and <br />ending da :: s whichpre v` "ct the Fiscal Year 07 -01 -99 through 06- 30 -00. <br />