Orange County NC Website
9.2.6. 11~onitoring and Evaluation Plan <br />Counties that aze awazded TANF funds as part of this pilot program will be asked <br />to provide periodic progress reports on their project. Identify plans for monitoring <br />and evaluating the progress and success of the project by the primary applicant <br />organization or partners. Who within the county will be responsible for tracking <br />and evaluating progress? <br />The State of North Carolina will be evaluating all of the programs and projects <br />funded through this initiative. All successful applicants aze expected to cooperate <br />with an assessment of the program's impacts and outcomes, including providing <br />information on characteristics of beneficiaries and interviews concerning program <br />performance. <br />9.3. Program of Work and Schedule <br />Provide aone-page chronological program of work tasks to be completed in the course <br />of this program and the anticipated completion dates for each task. Assume a January <br />2000 start date far the purpose of developing the work schedule. <br />9.4. Budget <br />Provide aone-page, line-item budget outlining the proposed use of funds and matching <br />funds. The budget should be clearly divided into sections specifying wages and fringe <br />benefits, equipment, travel, rent subsidies, construction, materials and supplies, and <br />other costs associated with the proposal. Administrative costs aze allowable up to 15% of <br />the total amount of state and local funding budgeted (excluding local in-kind matching <br />resources). <br />Identify the sources, the amounts and types (e.g., monetary, in-kind) of matching funds <br />that have been committed in support of this project. All matching funds must be <br />supported by a letter of commitment to be included in Section 9.5 of this proposal. <br />Indicate whether these amounts represent current or pending sources. <br />9.5. Letters of Commitment and Support <br />Applications must include a letter of support from the county governing body. Letters of <br />commitment are also required from the County DSS office, and agencies and <br />organizations providing cash or in-kind matching funds. Letters of support may also be <br />included for other organizations and agencies that are not committing resources but <br />otherwise support this application. <br />9.6. Appendices <br />Applicants may elect to include selected documents in support of the application, for <br />example, a description or annual report of the primary applicant organization. <br />Appendices should not exceed 10 pages. <br /> <br />