Orange County NC Website
9.1.4. Project Budget and Resources <br />• List the total amount of TANF funds requested by this proposal. <br />• List the amount of matching funds to be provided by the applicant and partners. <br />• List the total amount of combined funds (state and local match) for the project. <br />• List the total amount of in-kind resources committed to the project. <br />9.1.5. Project Abstract (300 word limit) <br />Provide a concise description of the project summarizing the major points from <br />the body of the proposal. <br />9.2. Body of Proposal (10 page limit) <br />9.2.1. Target Population <br />• What will be the target population for this program? <br />• How will the potential participants be identified? <br />• How many people will be served by the program? <br />9.Z.2. ProjectlProgram Description <br />Provide a full description of the project to be funded that addresses: <br />• The need for the project <br />• The objectives of the project <br />• The logistics for carrying it out <br />• How many and what type of housing units will be involved in the program? <br />9.2.3. Overall Self Sufficiency Strategy <br />Describe the overall self-sufficiency strategy of the county to help people move <br />from welfare to work, and how this proposal fits within this overall strategy. <br />9.2.4. Sustainability of the Project <br />Describe plans for extending the project into the future. What is the partners' <br />strategy or transition plan to continue to move participants toward self-sufficiency <br />beyond the conclusion of this project (e.g., giving participants of this project <br />priority for Section 8 housing)? How might the program be expanded or <br />maintained to help other TANF-eligible families beyond the term of this <br />program? How might the project produce results (e.g., the construction of <br />affordable housing units) that could address the housing needs of other families in <br />the future? <br />9.2.5. Public Sector, Private Sector and Non Profit Partners <br />Identify any organizations that will act as partners in funding, managing, or <br />providing services for this program and the specific roles that each of them will <br />play in executing the program of work. Clarify which organization and <br />individuals will act as the primary administrators and coordinators of the program, <br />past and current working relationships between these organizations. <br />Include the name(s) and contact persons for these agencies and organizations <br />including address, telephone number, fax number, and email address. <br />7 <br />