Orange County NC Website
Factor 1: Need for NC TANF Pilot Program (20 points). This factor examines the extent to <br />which applicants identify the community need that their proposed activities will target and the <br />urgency of meeting this need. To satisfy this requirement, applicants must show that the <br />requested assistance is necessary to assist TANF-eligible families to obtain or retain <br />employment. Among the factors that applicants may wish to consider in preparing to meet this. <br />proposal requirement aze: <br />• whether potentially eligible families in their area face a shortage of decent, affordable <br />housing. <br />• the extent to which there is a mismatch in their azea between the affordable housing <br />stock and the location of jobs or transportation to jobs.2 <br />• how housing assistance would best be used in their azea to promote employment <br />among participating Work First families. <br />Factor 2: Soundness of Approach (20 points). This factor examines the overall quality and <br />feasibility of the proposed plan to help families move to work. It also addresses the need for <br />proposals to be comprehensive and coordinated in their approach. In preparing to meet these <br />proposal requirements, applicants should consider how their proposal would: <br />• further the program goals of helping eligible families obtain or retain employment. <br />• meet the housing needs identified in factor 1. <br />• incorporate performance measures that enable_ one to measure the effectiveness of the <br />proposed program. - <br />• provide consistency between the proposal and the goal to assist TANF-eligible <br />families secure safe, decent, affordable housing. <br />• establish linkages between the proposal and an overall self-sufficiency strategy that <br />helps people to move from welfaze to work. <br />• ensure participation and support within the county from public, private, and non- <br />profit sector groups and the roles to be played by each of these in carrying out the <br />project. <br />• develop and implement a strategy for tenant counseling, housing search assistance. <br />and landlord outreach activities (if pertinent). <br />Z Among other potential sources of useful data on this subject are applicants for the Job Access and Reverse <br />Commute Program; they are required to compile data on the location of welfare recipients, jobs and transportation <br />networks. Job Access applicants also could contribute transportation services for welfare-to-work voucher <br />programs. Information on the program maybe found on the Internet at: http:/ <br />4 <br />