Orange County NC Website
~a ~ <br />~.~~_~_ <br />.~~• •~ ~1 <br />~~ ~ \R'~ <br />TO~YN OF CHAPEL HILL <br />•306 NORTH Coccn~su STEtEEt <br />CH~eL Hu.L, NORTH CAROt.nYA 27516 <br />Or~tcs of txs IvlwYOtt ~ (919) 968-2714 <br />July 13, 1999 FAX 919-967-saos <br />Dr. Alice Gordon, Chair <br />Board of Orange County Commissioners <br />Post Office Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27578 <br />Dear Alice: <br />Thank you for your letters of June 22, Juty 2 and 7. I think they demonstrate how close <br />we are to agreement now, after literally years of work. <br />First, I believe I am able to accept for the Town Council the changes the Board has <br />proposed, as defined in your July letters. They are consistent with the consensus reached <br />by the Town Council earlier. <br />In the same spirit I would like to request that the Board consider three other changes <br />which are also, I believe, consistent with the spirit of our previous discussions. <br />The Commission's draft of July 2 does not include language regarding. a deed restriction <br />on the 60 acres of the Greene tract that would be used by the County for solid• waste <br />management purposes. I would request that such language be added to the agreement. • It <br />would be possible to .write the restriction so that it would be effective only as Iong as the <br />zoning is effective that would allow solid waste uses, exclusive of burial of mixed solid <br />waste and construction and demolition waste. I.include below our suggested wording, <br />added to the wording in the June 30 draft of the agreement approved by the Board: <br />"5. The Greece Tract wiII remain a landfill asset... <br />Chapel Hill, Carrboro and the County (the "Greene Tract Owners") will transfer <br />to the County title to that portion of the Greene Tract described on Exhibit E, <br />which contains approximately sixty acres. The County may use the property <br />described on the Exhibit E for System Purposes.. The County states its current <br />intention not to bury mixed solid waste or construction and demolition waste on <br />