Orange County NC Website
08i06i99 15:05 CHATHAI"f COUNTY MA-JA6ER5 OFFICE -~ 9196443004 N0.686 P004i004 <br />11 <br />Contingent upon Chatham County developing a reliable raw water source to supply its water <br />treatment plant located scar Jordan Lake. <br />d. The options available to Chatham county to access its Jordan Lake Alloradore. As <br />mentioned above, the Town of Cary has offered Chatham County the oppoitttnity to complete <br />a hydraulic study to evaluate the effects of allowing the County access to its 6 MGD <br />allocation through the existing raw water intake. Based on the results of the study, the <br />County maybe allowed the opportunity to develop a permanent allocation in the Cary intake. <br />There is also an opportunity to for the Chatham Couty Water System to develop an intake <br />on the East Bank of Jordan Lake, however there are several issues that must be addressed. <br />First, Cory's intake is located on the east bank. Two east bank intaloe structures is not <br />consistent with the US Corps of Engineers Master Plan for Jordan Lake. The Corps has <br />indicated that it will allow one intake an each side of the lake. Second, there would be <br />significant environmental issues to overcome and address with regard to a new raw water <br />intake. And third, the cost of a new intake would be substantislly greater than costa <br />associated with the upgrade of an existing intake. <br />e. The access option preferred by the Chatham County Board of Cosisiisstoners. Orange <br />Cowtty will also be asking that OWASA staff develop and presatit infaraeatfon about how <br />OWAS.!'s Jordan Lake property could be utilized w provide Jordan Lake access w <br />Chatham County sad aher jrrrisdict~torrs wl~lle assaru,P dut hs own access and that of <br />Orange County are presen+ed Chatham County is extremely interested is developing a <br />regional intake facility on the West Bank of Jordan Lake. 'Ilse County would like to proceed <br />with this option in conjunction with other local governmental entities, including <br />OWASA/Otange County, the City of Durham, and other interested parties. Chatham County <br />prefers that the North Carolina Department of Enviroiutteni and Natuaai Reso+uccs assume a <br />active role in the west bank intake project. This will allow NCDENR to fairly evaluate and <br />establish allocation amounts. A regional intake facility could also develop into a regional <br />water treatment facility that could be used to furnish finished want to the participating <br />entities. <br />