800K 8 aac~ 121
<br />Land Building Total
<br />#18 Laais niacon 3,700 16,100 19,800
<br />Building changed to 15,490 Far total assessed value of 19,200
<br />#7.31 Nat D. Ellie 4,800 30,400 35>200
<br />Land changed to 2,000, building changed to 28,800 for total assessed
<br />value of 30,800
<br />#6 Mr e. Billye C. Forrest 3,200 17,x.00 20,600
<br />Building changed to 16,400 for total asaeased value of 19,600
<br />#139 James Fauoette 600 600 1,200
<br />Building omtaitted for total assessed value of 600
<br />1,300 5,400 6,700
<br />Building ommitted for total asaeased value of 1,300
<br />#222 Virginia C. Forrest 1,700 1,700
<br />Land changed to 1,200 for total asaeased value of 1,200
<br />2,600 7.1a.,8oo 17,400 No Change
<br />#231 Homer G. Forrest 2,200 32,500 34,700
<br />Building changed to 24,800 for total asaeased value of 27,000
<br />' 1,500 l~.,300 5,800 No Change
<br />#202 Jane Liner Qooah 11,300 11,300
<br />Land changed to 5,800 for total asaeased value of 5,8D0
<br />#285 Sydney Crreen 3,900 3,900
<br />Land changed to 3,100 for total asaeased value of 3,100
<br />#268 Clifford C. Isaacs 900 3,000 3,900 No Change
<br />2,000 2,000
<br />Land changed to 2,200 for total asaeased value of 2,200
<br />Serena Isaeas 4,600 14,800 19,400
<br />Building changed to ]Ja.,000 for total assessed value of 18,600
<br />#210 William Hopewell 22,900 50,400 73,300
<br />Land cha ed to 16,000, building ahanged to 26,000 for total asaeased
<br />value of~2,000
<br />Chairman Norman Walker stated that there were a few items that he wanted to
<br />di acuas before the Board. He advised the Board that the Clerk of Court had
<br />requested the Board to appoint a member to the Jury Commission. The Jury Commission
<br />is charged with the responsibility of supervising the preparation of the new jury
<br />box. It was pointed out that the Board of Commissioners, the Clerk of Superior
<br />Court and the Resident Judge would each mak® an appointment to the Cosr~isaion.
<br />Chairman Norman Walker stated that Dewey King of Chapel Hill, Mrs. Ruth West of
<br />Chanel Hill and Mr a. Althea Burt of Hiilaberough were currently sexwing ae members
<br />of the Commission.
<br />