Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Research into family literacy programs also show significant outcomes. 1~ or example, adults stay enrolled in fami~y <br />literacy programs longer than in most adult-only programs, maintain higher attendance rates, and significantly improve <br />their eturolltnent status, self-confidence, and parenting shills. Children participating in farn~ily literacy proganns make <br />more improvenurrts than would have been expelled based on their development prior to enrolling in a family literacy <br />program. Children also show a significant increase iz~ reading books and visiting their library. <br />All these factors support the need for an intergenerational approach to breakinlg the cycle of illiteracy in Orange <br />County. They indicate the need to increase the literacy skills of low-literacy parents so that they can better assist their <br />children. Innproved literacy levels cart also assist parents in rnceting their own life goals, including enhanced <br />employment prospects. We live in a eomtnunity with a weahh of resources that can be even more effectively tnobilixed <br />than they have been in order to support abroad-based, county wide literacy initiative. <br />t~~sat <br />Project Goal$ <br />l . filimiztate adult illitentcy in Orange County. <br />2. All parents wiU be able to help their children be ready for, and succeed in, school. <br />Project Qbjectiives <br />The initial objectives of this project include: <br />1. Deve#op a public awareness campaign to create a positive climate regarding literacy anal lifelong leanaing. <br />2. Zztcrease community awareness, support, and participation for existing programs/services i~a both school systems <br />and community organizations. <br />3. implement a series of pilot projects, including school-based programs, that promote urtergeaerational literacy. <br />PHASE Ql~l~: to be launched an Labor Dray, coinciding wit/t National LiYerecy MontAr in September attd the start <br />of the traditional school yta~ <br />1. initiate a public awareness campaign to promote a positive climate about literacy and lifelong learning. <br />a) Select a slogan and logo - Urange County Reams. <br />b) Seek initial seed money from initiating bodies -Orange County Board of Commissioners, Orange County <br />School Board, and Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board -for informational and promotional materials. <br />c} Launch a broad campaign of public service announcements featuring prominent educators, elected officials, <br />eommuxAity leaders reading, "Change Courtly Reads -committed to literacyā€˛ <br />d} Launch a second series of public service anatounceu~ttts withal! segmerrts of community readiztg~writing <br />e) Distribute materials to school children and parents, including fat~uiy packs, back peeks, bumper <br />stickers featuring the slogaallogo. <br />2. increase awareness of existing literacy-related programs and services in both school syste>vos and community <br />organizations. <br />a) Develop and widely distribute brochures, flyers, and/or posters describing existing school and cortamusdty <br />literacy-related resources <br />b) Provide speakers and r~aaterials to groups including PTAs, PTSAs, civic and service organizations, churches and <br />reli¢ious rn~ani~tionc. ahcrut exictinQ nmerams and services <br />