Orange County NC Website
5/26/99 <br />The following active recreation_needs were identified through this process: <br />1. Orange County <br />a) Develop Phase II - Efland-Cheeks School/Community Park.. (In <br />progress) <br />b) Develop Courthouse/River Park (jointly with Town of <br />Hillsborough). <br />c) Develop Fairview Community Park & renovate playground. <br />d) Develop a Master Plan for Northern Human Services Center Park <br />and renovate the building. <br />e) Renovate the Central Recreation Center Heating and Air System <br />and replace windows. <br />f) Acquire parkland in Little River and Chapel Hill/Bingham <br />Township. <br />g) Develop a joint Park planning effort with OWASA. <br />h) Continue joint planning efforts with the school systems for <br />locating schools and park sites and to construct larger <br />gymnasiums at future schools to address the overcrowding of <br />indoor recreation activities. <br />2. Town of Chapel Hill <br />The Town has recently-begun updating its comprehensive plan. <br />The new plan will: <br />• Include a section on .parks and recreation <br />• Call for plan to be completed in .fall of 1999 <br />The Town's comprehensive plan was last updated in 1989. The <br />Town Council adopted a Greenways Comprehensive Master Plan <br />on May 26, 1998. <br />Needs identified include: <br />a. Future Development of Northern Community Park <br />At its September 28, 1998 Council adopted the following <br />actions; 1) from FY98-99 budget appropriated for conceptual <br />5 <br />