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5/Z6/99 <br />II. DESCRIPTION:.WHERE ARE WE NOW? <br />Before decisions are made regarding the manner in which the park bond <br />funds will be disbursed, the work group had to first gain an idea of the state <br />of park and recreation facilities within the county and its municipalities. It <br />was necessary to have an accurate picture of who is providing for the <br />recreation needs of the citizenry, whether through public, quasi-public, or <br />private means. Once the needs and resources were identified, standards for <br />future park and recreation provisions were discussed. <br />A. Inventory of Resources <br />One subcommittee of the Work Group was formed to create an inventory of <br />the current recreation resources and parks within the County (see Appendix <br />C). The Resource Subcommittee developed categories for the inventory and <br />decided it was important to address resources within all sectors of our <br />community. Thus, the inventory was split into lists for private, public, and <br />quasi-public. Private consists primarily of apartment complexes, <br />neighborhood clubs, and larger, specialized clubs (e.g. tennis club, country <br />club). However, locations such as Duke Forest are also listed as private since <br />they are privately owned with primary missions other than recreation. Public <br />resources identified were parks, trails, community centers, and other locales <br />open to and funded by the public. Quasi-public entities include community <br />centers and Ruritan clubs usually open to the public with additional contact <br />required, UNC facilities selectively opened to the public, and government- <br />owned facilities, such as Cane Creek Reservoir, which allows recreation while <br />maintaining the primary mission of water supply protection. <br />Once the list was divided, the categories were modified to more accurately <br />reflect specific resources in each ownership grouping. For example, the <br />quasi-public list may include a category inventorying whether the facilities <br />require additional contact before use, while this issue would infrequently <br />apply to public sector recreation facilities and parks. <br />The information for the inventory was gained through several avenues. The <br />Work Group and staff's personal knowledge of resources in the area, <br />inventories recently completed by participating municipalities, and <br />information from area apartment associations and complexes were all used in <br />development of the document. The roster of apartments is that of complexes <br />listed in Orange County tax records. Thus,. this is not a complete listing of all <br />complexes in the county or municipalities. <br />B. Needs Identified for County and Municipalities <br />The Needs Assessment Subcommittee was formed in order to more <br />accurately identify specific needs of facilities throughout each jurisdiction. <br />4 <br />