Orange County NC Website
5/26/99 <br />Consolidation Approaches <br />• Begin with coordination and work toward partial consolidation of selected <br />functions <br />• Develop new facilities and programs as county functions <br />• Consider complete consolidation in several years after experience with <br />coordination and partial consolidation <br />Voluntary Coordination and Commitment <br />• Capable and adequate staffing needed to develop materials, set agendas, <br />and prod participants in both capital and operating programs <br />• Management to assure that commitment is evident and sustained <br />Shaping Orange County's Future Parks and Recreation Issues (1998) <br />See Appendix B for excerpts from SOCF Transportation, Infrastructure, and <br />Services (TIS) report which includes parks and recreation issue list.. <br />C. Summary of Existing Plans <br />See Appendix A for summaries of existing recreation and parks plans. <br />D. Background /Rationale for Updating .joint Plan <br />Charge to Work Group: Update and modify the Master Recreation and Parks <br />Plan to be a joint long-range capital facilities plan for Orange County, <br />Carrboro, and Chapel Hill. <br />The most recent efforts in developing the intergovernmental master park and <br />recreation plan have included the formation of a work group comprised of <br />elected ofFcials, citizens, staff, and interested stakeholders -including <br />representatives of the Town of Hillsborough. _ This Commissioner-appointed <br />work group divided into two subcommittees to address updating the <br />countywide needs assessment as well as an inventory of public, quasi-public, <br />and private recreational facilities and opportunities. These subcommittees <br />then re-formed into the large work group to address issues such as the <br />incorporation of wildlife corridors and open space preservation into parkland. <br />acquisition. <br />In addition, park and recreation department supervisors from each <br />jurisdiction worked together to develop facility and program standards to be <br />used county-wide, and County staff researched various issues regarding land <br />acquisition, dedication/payment-in-lieu, and school/park joint siting. Staff <br />then prepared versions of the final report for work group comment and made <br />adjustments accordingly. The work group developed the final proposals and <br />recommendations for the master plan, which staff then incorporated into the <br />final report. <br />3 <br />