Orange County NC Website
5/26/99 <br />• Develop an interjurisdictional set of recreation requirements that Orange <br />County, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough could include in their <br />respective Land Use Ordinances <br />• Plan the inclusion of park facilities in selecting new school sites, while <br />improving existing sites with recreation and park amenities where it is <br />~~mutually beneficial to the school system and governmental <br />jurisdiction(s)." <br />• Standardize contracting documents with private providers throughout all <br />jurisdictions <br />• Create an Orange County listing of private recreation vendors and <br />facilities, and update annually. <br />• Establish a bi-annual meeting or forum for private and public recreation <br />providers for information sharing and establishing new public/private <br />initiatives. <br />Report on Coordination of Recreation and Parks Services in Orange County <br />1997 <br />The purpose of this report was to describe different options for the <br />improvement of services to the community through intergovernmental <br />coordination of parks and recreation functions. The report contains several <br />different parts related to the investigation of adequate park and recreation <br />facilities. Observations of activities were made, needs were assessed, <br />options were developed, and recommended actions were proposed. The <br />recommendations were divided into four major categories, capital <br />development, coordination of operations, consolidation approaches, and <br />voluntary coordination and commitment. The recommendations follow <br />below: <br />Capital Development <br />• Along-range plan should be adopted as a serious commitment by all <br />players <br />• .Coordinated capital programming and budgeting should be initiated in <br />time to produce programs for future budgets <br />• Acquisition and protection of good sites should be the initial priority <br />• Orange County should play a major role in funding, acquisition, <br />development, ownership, and maintenance of new facilities <br />• A countywide. bond proposal should be presented for voter consideration if <br />needs are as great as expected <br />Coordination of operations <br />• Joint .planning, needs assessment, and selected cooperative actions are <br />appropriate purposes for a staff work group <br />• Consideration of Orange County as the primary candidate for operating <br />new programs, expansions, and transfers from the towns can lead to a <br />growing consolidation of services under the County <br />2 <br />