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.5/26/99 <br />I. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY <br />Over the last decade, several recreation and parks planning efforts have <br />been undertaken across Orange County, with policy recommendations <br />covering a spectrum of related issues. Committees, citizen work groups, and <br />local governments have worked together in developing guidelines for the <br />future recreation .and open space needs of our County. Through these efforts, <br />we can ensure the provision of a wide range of recreational opportunities and <br />venues for all citizens. <br />This section includes the overarching rationale for the creation of a <br />framework for joint planning of recreation and parks, as well as a listing of <br />the primary recommendations of these various working groups from 1988 to <br />the present. <br />A. Rationale for Intergovernmental Plan <br />Guiding policies for the update include: <br />• Explore the relationship between existing and proposed school sites and <br />parks <br />• Explore strategies for the preservation of natural and cultural resources <br />through acquisition and open space design, including the relationship of <br />these resources to active and low-impact recreational uses <br />• Update Master Plans of County and Municipalities (See Appendix A) <br />These policies provide the impetus. for much of the current update efFort and <br />are largely based upon a combination of current and past concerns and <br />efforts. <br />B. ]oint Recreation Planning. Efforts: 1996-97 <br />Report of the Recreation and Parks Work Group (1996 <br />The Recreation and Parks Work group developed recommendations to serve <br />multiple purposes. The recommendations are intended to, "establish <br />principles for coordinated county-wide recreation and park facility planning, <br />foster greater cooperation in use of existing facilities, and support private <br />recreation providers and public/private partnerships." The work group <br />developed the following recommendations. for Orange County and its <br />municipalities in its recreation planning, which were presented to the <br />Assembly of Governments: <br />Set standards based on ranking with other Triangle Area counties. <br />Determine type of park and recreation facilities to be surveyed. Develop <br />mechanism for annual review of park and facilities standards by all <br />jurisdictions. <br />