Orange County NC Website
00 <br />Table 1: Key Goals, Outcomes and Indicators <br />Partnershi Goals Partnershi Outcomes Activit Identified Need Outcome Outcome Indicators <br />Goal # 3: Enhance Families are Provide effective Many Smart-Start sponsored health An increased The number of families <br />family education knowledgeable about promotional and promotion efforts are sponsored number of families who receive child and <br />and support: child development and organizational support to through registered childcare will access chifd and family health related <br /> express confidence in family education and chifd settings. limiting access to those family health information at <br /> their parenting skills; health promotion efforts at families who do not utilize these promotion community events. <br /> community celebrations. settings. information and <br /> activities. <br /> Families are Provide effective Many Smart-Start sponsored health An increased The number of families <br /> knowledgeable and promotional and promotion efforts are sponsored number of families who receive child and <br /> have access to organizational support to through registered childcare wilt access child and family health related <br /> community resources; family education and child settings. limiting access to those family health information at <br /> health promotion efforts at families who do not utilize these promotion community events. <br /> community celebrations. settings. information and <br /> activities <br />Goal # 4: Enhance Children with special Coordinate and promote Young children cared for in their Children in The number of children <br />early intervention needs are identified attendance at health home or in unregistered childcare unregistered in non-licensed child <br />services for children prior to reaching education and screening settings have limited access to childcare settings care settings who <br />who are at-risk for kindergarten; events health promotion and screening will receive health receive screenings and <br />emotional activities. screenings and follow-up. <br />problems, appropriate follow: <br />developmental <br />' up referrals. <br />delays or <br />disabilities- <br />Goal # 5: Ensure Preschool-aged children Provide effective Historically, health education efforts An increased The number of families <br />the physical and are properly immunized; promotional and and health fairs have not been well number of families who receive child and <br />mental health of ~~ organizational support to attended. Bringing these efforts to will access child and family health related <br />young children:. Preschool aged- family education and child already popular community family health information at <br /> children have access health promotion efforts at celebrations will provide more promotion community events. <br /> to consistent health community celebrations. effective outreach in the community. information and <br /> care and have a activfties. Services providers will <br /> primary care provider <br />° AND Families with multiple socio- document an increase in <br /> or <br />medical home"; economic stressors may be Children in need of the number of children <br /> AND Coordinate events for health reluctant to come forward for well-child care will who receive <br /> Health providers education and screenings parenting support and assistance. receive Indicated immunizations, <br /> collaborate to improve Providing information about services and preventive health care <br /> early identification of community resources in anon- appropriate follow and developmental on <br /> preschool children threatening environment may be a up through an age-appropriate <br /> with health/mental more effective strategy. established health schedule. <br /> health needs. service providers. <br />