Orange County NC Website
16 <br />AMENDMENT 1 (CONT.) <br />(B) <br />ARTICLE 22 DEFINITIONS <br />Open Space - (flexible development) "Primary Conservation Areas" and <br />"Secondary Conservation Areas", as defined in Section IV-B-10. C.2 of the <br />Orange County Subdivision Regulations, which are preserved through <br />conservation easements or other restrictions in a flexible development <br />subdivision. <br />(c1 <br />Open Space -(land use intensity) 1) Open space is the total horizontal area of <br />uncovered open space plus half the total horizontal area of covered open space subject <br />to limitations set forth below. 2) Uncovered open space is total gross residential land <br />area not covered by buildings, plus open exterior balconies and roof areas improved as <br />recreation space. 3) Covered open space is usable open space closed to the sky, but <br />having two clear unobstructed open or partially open sides. Partially open sides is to be <br />construed as fifty percent or more. Examples of covered space are covered balconies, <br />covered portions of improved roof areas, or space under buildings supported on <br />columns or posts or cantilevered. The square footage countable as covered open <br />space shall not exceed the square footage of the open space sides. <br />g:\textamd\flexdev\adminrec.doc\8-17-99\kl <br />