Orange County NC Website
The Manager recommends that we examine how other jurisdictions deal with communication <br />between employees and board members before making decisions on a specific action plan. <br />In trying to foster enhanced communication between employees and Commissioners, we <br />must be mindful of the large and complex body of employment law that guides Orange <br />County's employment and supervisory practices. There are a number of well - established <br />mechanisms in place (e.g. the grievance procedure outlined in the County's Personnel <br />Ordinance, observance of personnel record confidentiality constraints, and the Personnel <br />Department's employee relations counseling service) that must operate in harmony with any <br />approaches that may be developed to enhance BOCC /employee communications. <br />Crisis Management — The County has a multi- hazard plan that is put into effect during <br />crises such as hurricanes, tornadoes, environmental spills, etc. We should discuss how the <br />approaches /practices outlined in the County's multi- hazard plan should be enhanced. It <br />may be helpful to have a future report from staff on how the public information function is <br />carried out under the multi- hazard plan. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Some aspects of the SCP have been or can be implemented with <br />existing staff and budgetary resources. Others will be more complex to implement and <br />maintain, and therefore will likely require additional staff, equipment, and /or operational funding. <br />Staff can develop preliminary estimates of financial impacts by the end of September, and <br />refine those later as the Board makes decisions about the specific elements that will be formally <br />adopted as part of its Strategic Communications Plan. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss the Strategic <br />Communications Plan and provide appropriate direction to staff. <br />