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8 <br />2. Proaertv taxes as sole source of financin <br />The Alternative Financing Committee asked about the impact on property taxes if that were the sole support of <br />the Solid Waste Management,Plan implementation. Because the Solid Waste Management Plan was developed as <br />a unified countywide plan, this analysis was developed assuming that additional revenues required would be <br />funded through the Orange County tax rate, rather than through adding to the, tax rates of each jurisdiction in the <br />County. In this way, all Orange County residents would be charged for solid waste management on the same , <br />basis, and would be charged only once. <br />The assumptions made in this scenario are that the FY 1998 -99 Countywide property tax base of $6,009,267,349 <br />would increase at 1.5% per year. The Orange County tax rate would need to increase by $0.0406 in FY 2001 -02 <br />to fund the Solid Waste Management Plan implementation and would result in an additional $58.58 in property <br />taxes to the "average" .($140,000 value) homeowner, and the rate would increase $0.05217 by FY 2005 -06 with a <br />tax impact of $78.30 on the average homeowner. <br />Use of property tax revenues to fund the Solid Waste Management Plan implementation would provide a subsidy <br />Of tax- exempt properties by other sectors of the community, and undeveloped properties which do not receive any <br />recycling or waste reduction services would still be paying for those services. <br />3. Availability Fee. <br />The use of an Availability Fee makes a direct connection between the level of service provided or available to <br />various waste generators and the cost that is assessed for that service, similar to any other utility charge. Most <br />'nearby counties have levied availability fees to fund solid waste activities, including. Wake, Durham, Chatham <br />and Mecklenburg Counties. <br />The Availability Fee was generated in both the "actual" and "stabilized" form. The "actual" availability fee <br />would simply be that fee necessary to fund Solid Waste Management Plan programs in a single year. The <br />"stabilized" fee has been modified to reduce the volatility of fees from year to year. By charging a little more in a <br />year in which revenue needs are lower, it is possible to charge a little less in a year when revenue needs are <br />higher, easing both budgeting and public acceptance. <br />The projected Availability Fees for each sector in each of the benchmark year are shown below. A more detailed <br />explanation of fees by year and.the recommended level of Availability Fees, the user base (current and projected <br />number of beneficiaries) in each sector, and the total revenue generated by each sector and total aggregate <br />revenue, are included in the November 20 staff report (Table 5). These availability fees would generate the <br />revenue required to fund the solid waste system cost not covered by tipping fees. This is the level of funding <br />needed, regardless of which revenue tool is being considered. <br />Availability Fee Type <br />FY 2001 -02 <br />FY 2005 -06 <br />Urban Curbside <br />$69 <br />$86 <br />Rural Curbside <br />$51 <br />$68 <br />MUW7NMilY <br />$2,300 <br />$2,950 <br />C ommercial <br />$450 <br />$825 <br />� <br />Although residential properties are fairly uniform in their service level, the Solid Waste Department staff is <br />anticipating that there would be a tiered fee structure for the Multi- Family and Commercial units based upon their <br />size and service demands, thus modifying the average prices shown above for those facilities. <br />The use of availability fees as a funding mechanism would allow the flexibility to include or exclude tax- exempt <br />or undeveloped properties and to adjust some fee structures based on the level of service received. <br />3 <br />E <br />