Orange County NC Website
30, 1998 report from the Alternative Financing Committee to the LOG member governing <br />boards, there will be a shortfall of between $1.8 million and $3.8 million annually over the next <br />ten years, if only current revenue sources are contemplated to finance the programs outlined in <br />the ISWMP. The Alternative Financing Committee concluded its work early in 1999 without <br />reaching consensus on the best mix of revenue streams to finance the ISWMP. <br />With the assumption that the solid waste agreement is finalized and signed by the end of <br />September, and given the 180 day period specified in the agreement as the transition period <br />from signing to transfer of solid waste responsibility to the County, staff believes a reasonable <br />target for handover will be March 6, 2000. This will provide adequate time to: <br />❑ Complete a job classification study of the 28 positions that will be transferred from the <br />Town of Chapel Hill to the County, and determine each position's classification and <br />salary grade assignment in the County Classification and Pay Plan. <br />❑ Update and complete the detailed pay and benefits study, and resolve any issues as to <br />the handling to provide for substantially equivalent pay and benefits with the transfer. <br />❑ Report on the proposed pay and benefits handling to the Board of Commissioners and <br />request approval for the Classification Plan amendments, and pay and benefits handling <br />necessary for the proposed pay and benefits package. <br />❑ Develop and provide each employee with an information package including specific <br />information as to his or her classification, pay, and benefits under the pay and benefits <br />handling approved by the Commissioners. <br />❑ As part of the transition, carry out a communications program with employees, including <br />meeting with employees as a group to report on the pay and benefits handling and <br />meeting individually with each employee to review the specific pay and benefits handling <br />for that employee. <br />❑ Conduct benefits enrollment sessions with employees to complete benefits sign up. <br />❑ Complete all pay, benefit and other documentation necessary to place employees on the <br />County payroll and in the County personnel system. <br />❑ Complete a new employee orientation program to orient employees to County policies <br />and procedures. <br />❑ Train solid waste employees regarding County fiscal and administrative policies and <br />procedures. <br />❑ Ensure compatibility between the landfill billing and collection system and the County's <br />general ledger, and resolve issues related to money deposit issues. <br />o Accomplish adoption of budget amendment bringing the Landfill Fund into the County's <br />budget and conversion of the accounting structure to one compatible with the County's <br />chart of accounts. <br />