Orange County NC Website
DRAFT <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE NEED FOR ALL PARTIES TO SUPPORT A REVENUE <br />STRUCTURE SUFFICIENT TO FINANCE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTEGRATED <br />SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />WHEREAS, the governing boards of the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough and Orange <br />County have upon several occasions in the past expressed their formal support for the implementation <br />of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan and its inherent solid waste reduction goals of 45% by <br />the year 2001 and 61 % by the year 2006; and <br />WHEREAS, progress towards those goals will be dependent on the successful implementation of new <br />strategies, processes, programs, and facilities that will expand the types and amounts of materials to be <br />reduced, reused and recycled; and <br />WHEREAS, the December 30, 1998 report from the Solid Waste Alternative Financing Committee <br />pointed out that there would be an annual shortfall in the Landfill Fund budget during each of the next <br />ten years of between $1.8 million to $3.8 million, which would need to be made up with alternative <br />revenue sources if the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan were to be carried out as <br />contemplated; and <br />WHEREAS, the Alternative Financing Committee also discussed the feasibility of employing solid <br />waste service district taxes to finance differing levels of recycling /reduction/reuse activities in different <br />jurisdictions or different geographical locations; and <br />WHEREAS, the employment of various alternative revenue sources will require the support of the <br />County's municipal partners if the parties are together to make reasonable progress towards the <br />mutually established solid waste reduction goals; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS DOES HEREBY reaffirm its commitment to the Integrated Solid Waste <br />Management Plan with its inherent solid waste reduction goals and urges the governing boards of <br />Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough to do likewise; and does hereby urge each municipal <br />governing board to affirm its commitment to ensure that the fees and charges necessary to carry out the <br />Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan are approved and put into effect in a timely and <br />unambiguous manner so that it will be possible to successfully implement this plan. <br />This, the 10' day of September, 1999. <br />