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6 <br />Future steps <br />As stated in the August 5, 1999 letters to the Board (see attached), Court officials stand ready to support <br />the County and assist in any manner possible to move forward the expeditious development of court <br />facilities. The most acute space needs lie in the Hillsborough court facilities. It is therefore <br />recommended that we move forward as soon as practicable in developing substantive information upon <br />which Commissioners can base decisions about future development in Hillsborough. The first step in <br />this process would be to obtain accurate and reliable information about the capabilities of the <br />Hillsborough site. We would suggest that the Board authorize the Chair to sign a contract as negotiated <br />by the Manager with Grier-Fripp Architects to include the following stipulations: <br />• Scope of work shall be: <br />• To develop an illustrated Facility Master Plan for future expansion of the existing courts <br />building in Hillsborough, with particular focus on how a security checkpoint could best be <br />integrated into the long-term development of the facility. <br />• The study area shall extend between the existing court facility to the Government <br />Services Center. <br />• The master plan shall include multi-level additions, parking, circulation <br />(pedestrian/vehicular) and building points of access/egress. <br />• The Master Plan shall include a Phasing Plan, based on the projected needs for <br />Hillsborough court facilities as cited in the 1995 Justice Facility Study Group report, as <br />revalidated by the 1998 committee." <br />• Cost shall not exceed $12,000 (funds are available in the 1999-2009 Capital Investment <br />Plan); <br />• Report shall be completed and presented for. Board consideration by the end of the calendar <br />year. <br />Completion of the master plan would provide the Board with essential information necessary to support <br />their decisions on site development in Hillsborough. Based on decisions made by the Board, a detailed <br />action plan regarding the development of Hillsborough court facilities would be formulated. The action <br />plan would include specific tasks (e.g. endorsement of site, architect selection, regulatory approvals, <br />programming project, etc.) along with timetables and preliminary cost estimates for the various <br />development components. A similar process would be initiated for Chapel Hill court facilities at such <br />time as we have been able to determine the extent of future development possibilities in Hillsborough. <br />Should you have questions or comments regarding the content of this report, please contact Pam Jones <br />at (919) 732-8181, extension 2652. <br />