Orange County NC Website
BOOK $ F~,GE ~~6 <br />October 31, 1973, and that if this did happen then the Pund.s that ware being requested frcau the <br />Crnmty wou7.d not then be uti75.zed or needed by the Agency 'and that the coutrty would -got then a,7.locate <br />the funds. She,hawever, wanted tha.s condition incorporated into the proposed 1973-7.97Lt Covn'Gy <br />Widget, Cc'¢mnissioner Aeruy' S. Walker s~ate~ ~ N hai~~n~r ~ that he felt that~the proovaed <br />funds to the Ccam~nuii.ty Ac~t4on Agency. <br />programs were a controversial issue and that ha had received conflicting answers to his questa.ons <br />concerning the grgarLizational structure of the Agency aid that in his opinion there would exist <br />ovaxlaping services that were being provided lay the Departmexrt of Social Services and the Town of <br />Chapel Rill. The Cotusty Admtnistratar suggested that the Board place the requested apprgpriation aside <br />in a ]ine item budget. Ae stated that tlsis action would a11dw the Board to adapt the County Budget <br />and vrou].d further a11ow the matter to be brought back to th_e attention of the Board at any time <br />that they felt a.t was desirable to pursue the matter. Chairman Norman Tdalker and Corrtnissicner <br />Richard E. Whined did not agree with Mr. Gatti.s' suggestion as they felt that this action would <br />only postpone the issue. Action on the County Budget was deferred. <br />Chairman Wa7leer presented a letter from J. 1~ Roche, National Chairman for F3nployers Support <br />of the Guard and Reserve. Said letter requested the cooperation of seeking 'the understanding <br />and support of American m~,aloyers isi relat3.on to ennloyee participation in our National (ward and <br />Reserve. Discussion Fmsued. The County Idministxator advised the Board that the Personnel Plan <br />of the Oaunty allowed County miplayees to participate in the National Guard and Reserve without <br />being penalized. <br />A letter form t•7. Joseph Strickrland, Director of o eyDepa ~teSf~ ~Re~ovxceetee t e8erited. <br />Said letter requested the County to conduct a surray* <br />number of handicapped persona that s+ras employed. <br />Discussion ensued as to the matter of the Fuo Preservation Agreement that had been received <br />by the County from the State of North Carolina. It was agreed that the Board would request Art <br />Cooper, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Natural and Ixonoudc Resources, to appear before <br />the Board on Tuesday, August 21, 1973, and that the Board. would invite representatives of the <br />City of Durham and County of Durham to be present for Dir. Cooper's presentation. St was agreed <br />that if Mr. Cooper could riot be present on the selected date teen he vrould be requested to choose <br />an alternate date fox his appearance. <br />Mask BitirnhatA stated that the Triangle J. Council. of Govertanents was meeting <br />jointly with the County Planning Boa7Cda and the other Goverxanental Boards of the area in Chapel <br />Fti.7_.'L, N. C., on September 2D, 1g73, at the Town Hall and that she would like to have represen- <br />tatives frcan the Orange County Board of Ccmmd.saivnera attend this meeting. <br />Upon motion of Comtrd.ssioner Flora Garrett, seconded by Cc~,ardssioner Henry S. ldalker, it was <br />moved that the meeting be adjourned to meat again on 'Thursday, August 9, 1973, at eight o'clock p.m. <br />in the District Courtroom at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, N. C. <br />Norman 47a1ker <br />Chairman <br />Batty June Homes <br />Clerk <br />