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BOOK S ~'~CE a0~ <br />There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was <br />adjourned to meet again on Z•?ednesday, July ].8, 1973, at 8:30 o~alock p.m. <br />in the District Courtroom for the purpose of reviewing the budget as it had <br />been proposed by the Board. <br />C. Norman Walker, Chairman <br />t Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMI~SSIONERS <br />July 18, 1973 <br />The Board~of Cownisaioners of Orange County mat in adjourned session on <br />Wednesday, Tiny 18, 1973, at 8 o'clock P.M. in the District Courtroom at the <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />Members Present: Chairman C.. Norman [dalker and Covuuiasicnera Henry S. <br />Walker, Flora Garrett and Richard E. Whitted. <br />Members Absent: None <br />S. M. Gattis, County Administrator, Betty June Hayes, Clerk to the Board, <br />Mrs. Mary Scroggs, Chairman of the Chapel Hi11-Carrboro wahool Unit, Dr. Robert <br />C. Hanes, Superintendent of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Unit, Dr. Samuel <br />Holton and Marvin Silver, Members of the Chapel Ftill-Carrboro School Board were <br />present. <br />Chairman Walker recognized Burch Compton, Director of Civil Defanae. Mr. <br />Compton stated that he wanted to resign as the Director of the Civil Defense <br />Agency, but he felt an obligation to the members of the Orange Orove Volunteer <br />,_ Fire Department as they are now seventh on the list for aonaideration for <br />receiving afire truck. Mr. Compton went on to explain that under Federal <br />Guidelines the County must at least maintain a paper organization in order to <br />secure equipment on a lending program established by the Federal Government. <br />He stated that under this program the Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Department <br />could receive a new fire trunk and three tanker trucks under the lending program <br />and that after a five year period the truck and the taakera would become the <br />property of the Volunteer Fire District. He further stated that other agencies <br />of government did use the Civil Defense card to purchase items from the surplus <br />supplies of State government. i4r. Compton stated that the County could eliminate <br />the current Civil Defense Office and the Secretary, who is employed on apart <br />time basis to oversee the office and do the necessary clerical work. Mr. Compton <br />agreed that if the Board wanted him to continue as Civil Defense Director then he <br />would stay in the position until such time as the Orange Grove Volunteer Fire <br />District received the promised equipment, but that he could not actively carry on <br />the responsibilities that the position required. He stated that his experience <br />of the past had shows a real need for the County to appoint a Co-Ordinator for <br />a7.1 oP the community services. Mr. Compton requested that in lieu of any payment <br />to him as Civil Defense Direotor that hie one request would be to have ~n extension <br />of the Chapel Hill line installed in the ABC Office. Discussion ensued. <br />` Chairman Walker stated that he was of the opinion that the expenditure of <br />$2,100.00 for the Civil Defanae Office as compared to $20,000.00 expenditure for <br />the Orange-Chatham Community Aotion program was of little sigaificanoe and that <br />he felt the County should maintain the Civil Defense OPPice, but that the $20,000.00 <br />~~ that had bees requested by the Orange-Chatham Community Action should be deleted <br />from the proposed 1973-197l~ budget. Discussioa ensued relative to the Community <br />_ Action Agency being in the process of dissolving. Commissioner Flora Garrett stated <br />that Chatham County had withdrawn its financial support, but that the staff members <br />were seeking to re-organize the Orange County portion of the agency and to incorporate <br />as the Community Centers, Inc. for the purpose oP trying to secure Federal funds <br />that they had bees advised were available to cow¢nunity centers. She stated that <br />-•.. three community canters in the County were of vital importance to the citizens <br />of the area. <br />