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BOOK $ PAGE ~1 <br />The County Administrator requested the Board to establish dates and times <br />for the 1973-197(} budgget hearings. It was agreed that the Board vrould meet on <br />Tuesday, July 10, at 8 o'clock p.m. with the County Board of Education, on <br />Wedr_eaday, July 11, at 8 o'clock p. m. with the Chapel H311 Board of Education <br />• and on Thursday, July 12, at 7:30 o'clock p. m, for the purpose of allowing <br />Russell Wright of Chapel Hill register hie opposition to the County assessing <br />certain mobile homes as real property. The Board would, also, hear the budget <br />presentations of the Chapel Hi11 Library Committee, the Sheriff and the <br />District Health Officer. Monday, July 16, at 8 o'clock p.m, was scheduled as <br />the time for the Public Hearing on the proposed Orange County Budget. This <br />meeting must be conducted in order to comply with the General Statutes of the <br />State. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting <br />was adjourned. <br />C. Norman Walker, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />MINUTES DF THE DRANGE COUNTX <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />July 10, 1973 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met on Tuesday, July 10, at 8 <br />o'clock p, m. in the District Courtroom of the Courthouse in Hillsborough, The <br />purpose of this meeting was to begin hearings on the proposed 1973-1971} County <br />Budget. <br />Members present: Chairman C. Norman 47alker, and Commissioners Henry S. <br />Walker, Flora Garrett and Richard E, ldhitted. <br />j/ Members Absent: None. <br />The County Administrator, 5. M. Gatti s, and the Clerk to the Board, Betty <br />!F June Hayes were also present. <br />Mrs. Emma Sue Loftin, H. G. Coleman, Jr. and Oscar Compton, members of <br />the Orange County School Board, were present as was George Williams, Superin- <br />tendent pf the County School Unit, and Charles Crowder, Assistant Superintendent <br />of the County School Unit. Mr. Williams informed the Board that Robert Haas, <br />Chairman of the School Board, was absence due to a death in his family and that <br />Roland Scott, one of the members of the Board, could not be present as he was <br />out of town for business reasons. <br />Chairman Walker asked the members of the Board of Education if they were <br />prepared to make the appointment to the A.B,C. Board. Discussion ensued relative <br />to the absence of two of the School Board members, Chairman Walker stated that <br />in order to avoid the calling of another,joint meeting between the two Boards <br />that he would prefer that the matter of the A.B.C, Board appointment be made at <br />this meeting as it had been the policy in the past to settle such matters at <br />this particular time of the year. <br />Upon motion of the County School Board it was moved and adopted that C. <br />Bunn Pope, Jr. of Cedar Grove, N. C, be appointed as a member of the A.B.C, <br />Board for a term of three (3) years. Said term is to become immediately effective. <br />Chairman Walker recognized George Williams, Superintendent of the School <br />Board, who made the presentation of the 1973-197L~. Sahpol Budget request; The <br />Superintendent filed the budget for the Orange County Schools 1973-1974. For <br />a complete copy of this budget request see pages !a7 through ¢ in <br />the Commissioners bocket Book Number 8. <br />~`~ Mr. Williams stated that a number of reasons did exist for the increase <br />of more than $290,639 over last year's request. The schools were budgeted <br />$611.5,31E5 for current expenses last year and received $52,875 in surplus. A <br />decrease in Title I fund which had been used to pay teacher aides in the county <br />_. kindergartens. <br />