Minutes - 19730709
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19730709
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BOOK S PACE ~~ <br />L. M. Cheshire, County Attorney, presented a letter from Hyper-Video <br />Company. Said letter requested that the County certify that it does not have <br />the authority to grant Hyper-Video Company a Cable Television franchise that <br />would serve the area around the Town of Hillsborough. Said letter pointed <br />out that the Town of Hillsborough had already granted the company a franchise. <br />It was the feeling of the Board that the County had been given the authority <br />under an enactment by the last General Assembly to franchise cable television. <br />The Board requested the County Attorney to further investigate the authority - <br />of the County in such matters before ar_awering the request of the company. <br />The following letter from James E. Barrington, Secretary of the Department <br />of Natural and Economic Resources, was presented. <br />"Enclosed is the final draft of a proposed agreement among the State <br />of North Carolina, the City of Durham, the Orange County Commissioners <br />and the Durham County Commissioners relating to future management of the <br />Eho River. The purpose of the agreement is to enable the State of North <br />Carolina to move ahead with the plans V.*e have been developing for a State <br />Park on the Eno while at the same time recognizing the prior interests of <br />the City of Durham in possible use of the Eno River for a water supply at <br />some time in the future. I believe that Z sent you a much earlier copy <br />of this agreement so, hopefully, this final draft will not catch you <br />uninformed as to its intent. <br />Would you please review this agreement and discuss it with your board. <br />If you then feel that you can became a party to the agreement, please let me <br />know and I will send you final copies for your signature. Tf you have any <br />questions concerning it, please do not hesitate to call me or Dr. Art Cooper <br />at 829-49a4. <br />Many thanks for your consideration. <br />Chairman Walker brought to the attention of the Board the fact that the <br />Board must appoint its voting delegate to the forthcoming National Conference <br />that is being held in Dallas, Texas, on July 22-26, 1973. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Benry S. l+ialker, eeconded by Commissioner <br />Richard E, Whitted, it was moved that the Chairman of the Board be appointed as <br />the voting delegate to the National Conference. Commissioner Flora Garrett <br />amended the motion to appoint Commissioner Henry S. Walker as the alternate <br />voting delegate to the National Conference. The Clerk was instructed to file <br />the appointment of the voting delegate and the voting alternate with the National <br />4ssociation of County Official's Credentials Committee. <br />Mark Burnham was requested to study and to propose a Special Use Section <br />that would incorporate water sheds under the jurisdiction of the County Zoning <br />Ordinance. <br />Di acusaion ensued relative to the matter of the wording of the minutes <br />relative to the exempt water lines for the Town of Hillsborough. It was agreed <br />that in the absence of a list from the Town of Hillsborough that no decision <br />could be reached on the matter at this time. The Clerk was instructed to request <br />from the Town of Hillsborough a specified list of projects that the Town wants <br />to have the .Board consider excluding from the `.•7ater/Sewer Extension Policy that <br />was adopted on June.l~, 1973. <br />Chairman Walker recognized Fred Cates, Mayor of the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Mayor Cates requested the Board to approve the installation of 500 feet of 6 <br />inch water. line that would be located on the west aide of Highway x¢86 and was to <br />be extended from the Long Chevrolet property to the property of James J. Freeland. <br />Uvon motion of Commissioner Henry 3, Walker, seconded by Commissioner Flora <br />Garrett, it wsa moved and adopted that the Town of Hillsborough be granted <br />aermission to install S00 feet of 6 inch water line from the Long Chevrolet property <br />to the property of James J. Freeland. <br />Di acussion ensued concerning the proper water lire size Headed for certain areas <br />and certain types of property. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Flora Garrett, seconded by Commissioner Richard E. <br />Whitted, it was moved and adopted that the Board request the County Administrator -. <br />to employ an Engineering Firm for the purpose of establishing the needs and the <br />proper standards for all proposed water line installations and connections. <br />
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