Orange County NC Website
e~aK '7 ~~c~ 580 • <br />The Chairman reoognized A. K. Jackson of Durham. Mr. Jaakaon stated that <br />he felt that the County should eoordinate,as nearlp as possible, all the <br />construction of water and sewerage systems in the County. That there did exist <br />a need to interlock the systems currently installed by the City of Durham and <br />the Crange-Alamance Water Systems, Inc. far economical reasons and to assure <br />each system of an adequate weter supply. He stated that he felt all agencies <br />such as the University of North Carolina, the City of Durham, the Towns of <br />Chapel Hill and Hillsborough could pool their resources of information and then '~ <br />experience a preferred type of water and sewer system for the County' could then <br />be installed. FIe endorsed the policy for planning for the various water and <br />sewer lines. _~ <br />The Chairman reaognized W. E. Billingsley, Distribution Superintendent, <br />University of .North Carolina Public Utilities. Mr, Billingsley made the <br />following statements: <br />It will be a "Progressive step that the Eounty is proposing to <br />adopt a water and sewer system p~[tension policy. <br />Hopefully, this is the embreyo of a countywide water and sewer <br />cyst®m that may be developed in the years to come. <br />Sn reviewing the policy that is up for adoption I would like to make <br />the following observations from a professional standpoint. <br />1. Administratively water and sewer systems are usually bound together. <br />However, technically, there are significant differences which contribute to <br />better clarity and implementation if the two were separated but related. <br />2. Secondly, the policy is very general and necessarily will require <br />qualified professional personnel to apply it to the great vanSty individual <br />cases which will arise. The policy as written does not set forth how it <br />will be administered or for the establishment of a professional staff. <br />3. A water or sewer system implies a complete capability to provide <br />these services. Specifically for a water system it would mean a water source <br />treatment and pumping facilities, distribution facilities as well as maintenance <br />and acoounting staffs. The policy is primarily a main extension policy and <br />does not speak to agreements, rights or responsibilities far entertieing <br />with system components under jurisdictions other .than the county. <br />!}. It appears that there should be an expansion of this document or <br />corollary documents covering the relationships between the County, the <br />University or municipal systems and private systems which may be providing <br />water in Orange County. This is important in order that sub-standard <br />components will not be installed and in order that main distribution lines <br />that are going tv serve or be served by other systems may be installed in <br />a coordinated manner. <br />These comments are offered aonstruatively. I cvnmend the Commissioners <br />for the effort which have been made in protecting and providing a good water <br />supply to the entire county." <br />The Chairman reaognized Fred Cates, Mayor of the Town of Hillsborough <br />and Clarence Roaemond Supervisor of the Hillsborough Water and Sewer system, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Flora Garrett, seconded by Commissioner <br />Richard E. Whitted, it was moved, that the Water/Sewer System [tension <br />Policy For Orange County, North Carolina, be adopted and same will become <br />effective as of July 1, 1973. Di acusaion ensued relative to the effective <br />date of said policy. <br />Mayor Cates inquired if the Water/Sewer System Extension Policy, if <br />adopted as of .Tune l4, would affect the aonstruc,tion of water lines that had <br />already been approved by the Rillaborough Town Beard. Discussion ensued. <br />The County Attorney suggested that the Board exclude those lines that had <br />been approved and planned by the Town of Hillsborough. The Mayor was <br />instructed to file with the Clerk a list of those water lines that will <br />be construoted by the Town. Said list is to become a part of the minutes <br />of this meeting. Said list is as follow a: Bobby Roberts project r~10 highway <br />towards Murphy School, other various short connections and extensions which <br />has been approved and agreed upon by the Mayor and other persons not requiring <br />Board approval such as cross connections, etc. <br />Commissioner Flora Garrett amended her motion, upon the approval of <br />Commissioner Richard E. Whitted, to state that the Water/Sewer System <br />Extension Policy F'or Orange County, North Carolina be adopted to become <br />effective as of June 4, 1973. Chairman Walker called for a vote on the <br />motion and all members voted aye. He then declared the motion passed. ~-`^r <br />~~, <br />