Orange County NC Website
"""i ~ F„CE c~6~ <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Flora Garrett, seconded by Commissioner Richard <br />E. Whitted, it was moved and adopted, that the Board endorse the statewide <br />bill, which was introduced by Representative George Miller of Durham County, <br />that would prohibit hunting along or on all state road right of ways. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S. Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Richard E. Whitted, it was moved and adopted, that Orange County's hunting <br />season would open and would close on the same dates as the hunting season in <br />adjoining counties and the game lands in this area. <br />The Clerk was instructed to notify Representative Hunt of the action of <br />the Board and to forward a copy of the letter to the Ylildlife Commission. <br />Discussion arose concerning the Water and Sewsr policy that had been <br />presented earlier in the meeting. The Board instructed the County Administrator <br />to secure some guides concerning acreage privilege fees and the County <br />Attgrney was instructed to inspect the contents of the proposed ordinance. It <br />was agreed that the matter would be discussed further at either the May lsth <br />meeting or the next regular monthly meeting. <br />The Chairman recognized Clayton Raithcock, County Planning Officer. <br />Mr. Haithcock stated that the following plats had been approved by the County <br />Planning Board: <br />1. Roberts Construction Company property, fourteen (11}) lots on Purefoy <br />Drive in Chapel Hill Township, dated April 9, 1973. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S. Walker, Commissioner lra <br />A. Ward, it was moved and adopted, that the plat be approved. <br />Commissioner Flora Garrett brought up the matter of the owner and/or <br />developer ppsting bond for the completion of streets. She felt that the bond <br />should be posted prior to the Boards approving the plat. Discussion ensued <br />concerning the wording of ,Section la. of the Subdivision Ordinance. <br />Chairman Norman Walker called for a vote vn Commissioner Henry Walkers <br />motion. Commissioners Richard E, Tdhittad, Henry S. Walker and Ira A. Ward <br />voted aye. Commissioner Flora Garrett voted nay. <br />2. Roberts Construation Company property, Section 1 and Section 2 of <br />Pine Oaks Subdivision located off highway #10 in Chapel Hill Township <br />dated April 10, 1973. <br />Mr. Haithcock advised the Board that the County Planning Board had approved <br />the two plats subject to the percolation test which was to be made by the <br />District Health Department. Commissioner Flora Garrett brought to the attention <br />of the Board that the County Zoning Ordinance prohibited the approval of any <br />subdivision plat prior to the presentation of the required percolation test. <br />She stated that the percolation test that had been presented by Mr. Roberts to <br />the Board of Commissioners had not yet been presented to the County Planning <br />Board, therefore, she felt the Board of Commissioners would be violating the <br />ordinance if they approved Section 1 and Section Z of the Pine Oaka Subdivision. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the wording of the Subdivision Ordinance relative <br />to the required percolation teat. It was agreed that clarification of the <br />ordinance, the policy and the procedure should ba made. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E. Whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Flora Garrett, 3t was moved and adopted, that the two plats entitled "Section <br />1 and Section 2 of the Pine Oaks Subdivision be referred back to the County <br />Planning Board for review of the report of the percolation teat. <br />3. Plat of John Robert Pearson and Andrew S. Davie off of SR 1gLG1~ in <br />Chapel Hill Township dated March 7, 1973. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ira A, Ward, seconded by Commissioner Flora <br />Garrett, it was moved and adopted, that_the plat be approved. <br />1}. Plat of Eugene Grace off of #86 in Chapel Hi11 Township dated April <br />7, 1973. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S. Walker, seconded by Commissioner Ira <br />A. [lard, it was moved and adopted, that the plat be approved. <br />5. Section 1, Rambling Heights, on Piney Mountain Road in Chanel Hill <br />Township dated April 4, 1973. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ira A. Ward, seconded by Commissioner Henry <br />S, Walker, it was moved and adopted, that the plat be approved. <br />