Minutes - 19730507
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19730507
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~~..~ ~ FACE 56~ <br /> Tha Board of Commissioners and the Planning Board <br />shall hold .a joint publia hearing on any sanitary <br />landfill site proposal, advertising such a hearing <br />once a week far two consecutive weeks with the first <br />advertisement appearing not less than 15 days prior <br />to said hearing, in a newspaper of genaxal circulation <br />in the appropriate portion of the county before -, <br />talcing action concerning proposed sanitary landfill <br />special-use permits. <br /> The Zoning Officer shall post on ac~y affected property <br />a notice of the public hearing at least 10 days prior <br />to the date of said hearing. <br />10.8.1.x. The Planning Board shall submit its recommendations on <br />any proposed sanitary landfill sites to the Board of <br />Commissioners within 3b days after such proposals have <br />been referred to the Planning Board for its consideration. <br />Failure to do so shall constitute a favorable recommendation. <br />10.8.2 Befors ieauing a Sanitary Landfill Special Uae Permit the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners and the Orange County Planning Board shall make <br />the following findings. <br /> The lot size shall be not lass than 10 acres. <br /> the site and plsna for the sanitary landfill operation <br />meet the approval of the North Carolina State Board of <br />Health Solid Wastes Disposal Section and follow the North <br />Carolina State Board of Health rules and regulations <br />providing standards for solid waste disposal. <br /> That a buffer strip of not less than 100 feet measured from <br />all exterior property lines and main travelled roadway right <br />of way lines shall be maintained free of landfill operatinna, <br />atruatures, Qehicle or equipment parking, and outdoor storage. <br />10.$.3 To protect the health, safety, and ger_eral welfare of the community, the <br />operation under a Sanitary Landfill Special 17se Permit shall be reviewed <br />and a permit renewal required every two years at a regularly scheduled <br />quarterly public hearing before the Orange County Planning Board and <br />County Commissioners. Notioe of such permit renewal proceedings shall be <br />posted on the property and advertised in the same manner as the original <br />permit application. <br />10.8.4 The Sanitary Landfill Special Use Permit will automatically terminate <br />when the site is no longer used for Sanitary Landfill activity and no <br />material has bean buried for a period of 90 days." <br />The Chairman recognized the County Administrator. Mr. Gatos read letters <br />from Representative Patricia Stanford Hunt. Said letters requested that the <br />Board advise her of their opinions relative to the proposed Hunting Legislation <br />and the Sediment Control Legislation that was now in committees. Mr. Gatos <br />advised the Board that Mrs. Hunt was of the opinion that unless public utilities <br />were exempt from the Sediment Control legislation that the proposed local bill <br />would not be allowed out of committee. Discussion ensued. The Board agreed that <br />that' did not wish to have public utilities excluded from the proposed bill. The <br />Clerk was instructed to inform Mra. Hunt of the action of the Board. <br />The County Administrator advised the Board that Mrs. Hunt did not specify <br />any particulars relative to the proposed Hunting Legislation. Chairman Walker <br />stated that ha felt that the hunting season for the County should be opened <br />and closed on the same dates as the season in other counties. Commissioner <br />Richard E. Whitted stated that he was opposed to opening areas that were net <br />currently open for hunting and that he had particular reference to Eno Township. <br />Commissioner Henry 5. Walker stated that he wanted to remind the Board that they <br />represented the entire county and that deer and other game generally stayed away <br />from the denaly populated areas. Commissioner Sra A, Ward stated that he did <br />not hunt, therefore, ha did not have a strong feeling one way or another about <br />the matter. Commissioner P'lora Garrett was not present for the first part of <br />the discussion. When she returned to the meeting Chairman 'dalker requested that <br />she express her opinion. Commissioner Flora Garrett stated that she felt the <br />Board should endorse the statewide bill that had been introduced by Representative <br />George Miller of Aurham that would prevent hunting on all state road right of ways. _ <br />Discussion ensued concerning the problems that could arise from such legislation <br />and the discussion then turned to the use of high powered rifles versus shotguns. <br />
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